The How to Guide for the Best Conflict Styles and Better Resolutions

Estimated reading time: 19 minutes

In this article, we’ll unpack the intricate world of conflict management styles, uncovering the keys to unlocking the power of effective conflict resolution.

Conflict is an undeniable part of the human experience, affecting our relationships, personal growth, and overall well-being.

It’s like the thread that weaves through the fabric of life, presenting opportunities for growth, understanding, and transformation.

Get insider knowledge about the best conflict management styles for better resolutions.

The Complex Anatomy of Conflict

Conflict management styles are the instruments in our symphony of interactions, each uniquely addressing life’s challenges.

Much like a skilled conductor selects the best way to bring out the beauty of a musical piece, understanding and embracing your own conflict style enhances the harmony in your relationships and personal growth.

In this exploration, we’ll delve into the five primary conflict styles: competing, collaborating, accommodating, avoiding, and compromising.

These styles are like colors on an artist’s palette, offering distinct advantages and disadvantages.

By examining their nuances, we can paint a clearer picture of how they impact our lives and uncover the potential for personal growth hidden within them.


With 14 years of experience as a chartered mediator specializing in workplace and divorce mediation, I’ve had the privilege to witness the profound transformations of effective conflict resolution.

This journey has allowed me to gain deep insights into the intricate world of conflict styles, revealing their significant impact on interpersonal relationships and personal growth.

Whether navigating the choppy waters of personal disputes, dealing with the complexities of the professional realm, or seeking harmony within your community, this article serves as your compass.

My goal is to inspire and empower you, equipping you with the tools and knowledge to approach conflicts with unwavering confidence and grace.

Mastering conflict management skills is about embracing the willingness to question your default approaches and wholeheartedly welcoming alternative strategies when needed.

This transformative journey is designed to enhance your capacity to nurture understanding, cultivate robust relationships, and facilitate resolutions carrying deep meaning.

Conflicts are gateways to growth, connections, and transformative change.

Identifying Your Conflict Style

In the world of conflict resolution, understanding and recognizing your primary conflict style is akin to having a compass in uncharted territory.

It’s an essential tool for navigating the labyrinth of disagreements and disputes.

To truly master the art of conflict resolution, we must first embark on a journey of self-discovery, peeling back the layers of our default approaches and examining their impact.

Why is this crucial?

Recognizing your predominant conflict style is the first step toward understanding how you approach and handle conflicts.

It’s like having a mirror that reflects your tendencies, revealing the patterns shaping your interactions with others.

Taking a Deep Dive into Your Conflict Style

We must go beyond mere recognition. It’s imperative to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your typical conflict style, for therein lies the key to unlocking your potential for growth.

This introspection serves as a bridge, connecting your current state to a future where you are better equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of difficult situations.

So, where do you begin this transformative journey?

Start by turning your gaze inward and contemplating your conflict style.

Take a moment to ponder these guiding questions:

  • Does your style effectively lead to constructive resolutions, fostering harmony and understanding?
  • Have you ever found yourself sticking rigidly to your approach, closing the door to alternative perspectives and potential solutions?
  • Can you think of situations where a different style might have yielded more positive outcomes?

By peering through this lens of self-awareness, you’ll notice the nuances of your approach and gain valuable insights into when it might not be the best way to handle a conflict.

Remember, this journey is not about judgment but about growth and self-improvement.

So, let’s continue this path of self-discovery and uncover the hidden facets of your unique conflict management style.

Competing Style

Imagine the competing style as a bold stroke of color on a canvas.

Those who favor this style prioritize their own goals and needs.

They are assertive, quick decision-makers who excel at achieving their objectives.

While this is effective in certain situations, it can lead to conflict escalation and strained relationships.

Collaborating Style

On the opposite end of the spectrum lies the collaborating style.

This approach is like a well-orchestrated symphony, with open communication and high concern for all parties involved.

Collaborators seek to find acceptable solutions satisfying everyone’s needs, even if it means addressing unpopular decisions or facing negative emotions head-on.

They are the ultimate team players, valuing long-term relationships and positive outcomes.

Accommodating Style

The accommodating style is akin to a diplomat’s finesse.

People who embrace this style prioritize relationships over immediate needs.

They are skilled at finding temporary solutions while keeping an eye on the bigger picture.

However, consistently accommodating without addressing underlying issues leads to missed opportunities for new ideas and personal growth.

Avoiding Style

In contrast, the avoiding style of conflict management is like hitting the pause button.

Those who adopt this style aim to minimize immediate conflict impact.

They may shy away from difficult situations, seeking short-term solutions.

While this provides temporary relief, it may not address the root causes of conflict, potentially leading to missed opportunities for growth and learning.

Compromising Style

Lastly, the compromising style seeks a middle ground where everyone gets an equal share.

Compromisers value fairness and are willing to give up certain aspects to reach an agreement.

While compromises lead to quicker decisions and a sense of achievement, they may involve diluting success and hinder meaningful results over time.

Choosing Your Conflict Management Style

Much like a musician selects the best instrument for a particular piece of music, understanding your preferred conflict management style is essential for addressing specific situations.

By recognizing your own tendencies, you navigate future conflicts with greater self-awareness and a readiness to explore different ways to approach them.

So, whether you’re an assertive competitor, a harmonious collaborator, a diplomatic accommodator, a pause-loving avoider, or a compromising middle-ground seeker, remember there is no one-size-fits-all approach to conflict management.

Each style has its place, and the key is knowing when to play each note to create the most beautiful symphony in your interpersonal relationships.

Conflict Style Quiz

Take this quiz to discover your dominant conflict management style:

Understanding Your Conflict Style

Before diving into the specifics of each conflict management style, assessing your own tendencies is essential.

  • What’s your default approach when faced with a conflict situation?
  • Are you more inclined to accommodate others, compete for your own needs, or seek a collaborative conflict resolution style?

Recognizing your typical behavior is the first step towards improvement.

It allows you to become more aware of how you handle conflicts and, more importantly, opens the door to considering different ways to approach them in the future.

Now, let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of each conflict style.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Conflict Style

We all have our unique conflict style, often influenced by our personality types, communication skills, and past experiences.

  • Some of us tend to lean towards the accommodating style, prioritizing relationships and harmony.
  • Others may resonate more with the competing style, where their own goals take precedence.

But what if there’s a middle ground, a better solution combining elements of different styles for more effective conflict resolution?

By exploring the various styles of conflict management, we develop a versatile approach to addressing a wide range of issues, from personal concerns to team dynamics.

Striving for Success with the Competing Conflict Style

The competing style of conflict management is all about taking a firm stance and unwaveringly prioritizing your own goals.

This approach is marked by quick decision-making and a strong orientation toward achieving results.

While it can be an effective way to get things done efficiently, it’s essential to recognize its advantages and potential drawbacks, particularly when nurturing healthy relationships.

Here’s a deeper dive into the competing style and its pros and cons.


  • Efficiency: The competing style shines when quick decisions and decisive action are needed. It’s ideal for addressing time-sensitive issues or when a quick decision can lead to positive results.


  • Trust Issues: One of the significant drawbacks of this style is its potential to erode trust in relationships. Prioritizing your own goals above all else can create a perception of self-interest, which may hinder the development of mutual trust.
  • Suppressed Opinions: When you adopt the competing style, there’s a risk that others may feel discouraged from expressing their opinions. This can lead to an environment where individuals comply with your decisions out of necessity rather than being committed to them.
  • Conflict Escalation: The competitive approach can sometimes escalate conflicts rather than resolve them. Pushing your agenda forcefully may inadvertently fuel negative feelings and tension, harming teamwork and collaboration.

Consider the following tips to make the most of the competing style while mitigating its potential pitfalls.

Tips for the Competing Style

  1. Practice Active Listening: Before making any decisions or taking action, invest time actively listening to the perspectives of others involved in the conflict. This demonstrates respect for their viewpoints and allows you to make informed choices.
  2. Seek Input from Others: Actively solicit input and feedback from team members or those affected by the conflict. Encourage an open dialogue where diverse ideas are welcomed and considered. This helps maintain a focus on the common goal rather than just personal objectives.
  3. Aim for Win-Win Solutions: While the competing style emphasizes your goals, it’s crucial to recognize that finding mutually beneficial solutions can be even more powerful. Strive to achieve outcomes that respect both your interests and those of others involved. This fosters an environment of respect for self and others and is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

By harnessing the strengths of the competing style while embracing these tips, you:

  • navigate conflicts with confidence and efficiency
  • are committed to fostering positive outcomes
  • maintaining strong interpersonal relationships

Read more about harnessing your inner strength with the competing conflict management style here.

Embracing Collaboration with the Collaborative Conflict Style

The collaborative conflict management style is all about teamwork, synergy, and achieving mutually satisfying outcomes.

It’s an approach that requires an investment of time and effort but can yield highly rewarding results.

 In this section, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the collaborative style, its advantages, and where it might face limitations.


  • Synergy of Ideas: Collaboration thrives on the synergy of diverse ideas and perspectives. When individuals come together, collective intelligence often leads to innovative solutions that may not have emerged otherwise.
  • Commitment: The collaborative style fosters a sense of individual commitment to the resolution process. When people actively participate in finding solutions, they’re more likely to be invested in implementing those solutions effectively.
  • Teamwork: Perhaps the most notable benefit of collaboration is the promotion of teamwork. By working together, individuals build stronger working relationships and trust, which can have far-reaching positive effects.


  • Feasibility: While collaboration is highly effective in many situations, it may not always be feasible or appropriate. It relies on all parties’ willingness to engage in the process actively. If there’s resistance or unwillingness to collaborate, this style may falter.
  • Resource Limitations: In cases where resources (such as time, budget, or personnel) are limited, collaboration can become challenging to sustain effectively. The investment of resources required for collaboration may outweigh its benefits in such situations.
  • Differing Preferences: Differences in personal preferences and communication styles can sometimes hinder the effectiveness of the collaborative style. It requires open communication and a willingness to compromise, which may not align with everyone’s natural approach.

To make the most of the collaborative style while addressing potential challenges, consider these practical tips:

Tips for the Collaborative Style

  1. Evaluate Benefits and Costs: Before fully committing to a collaborative approach, assess the potential benefits and costs. Consider whether the situation warrants collaboration and if the expected outcomes justify the investment of time and effort.
  2. Alternative Plans: Recognize that collaboration may face obstacles. Prepare alternative plans or approaches in case collaboration becomes challenging or unworkable. Having backup strategies ensures you’re not left without a path forward.
  3. Manage Time Effectively: Collaboration can be time-intensive. To prevent conflicts from dragging on indefinitely, set a reasonable time frame for resolution. This helps manage the impact on relationships and ensures the process remains productive.

By embracing the collaborative style when appropriate and keeping these tips in mind, you:

  • harness the power of teamwork and innovative thinking
  • are committed to achieving resolutions
  • address the conflict at hand
  • strengthen relationships
  • contribute to positive outcomes in various contexts

Get strategies to find balance with the collaborative style of conflict management here.

Balancing Relationships and Conflict with the Accommodating Conflict Style

The accommodating conflict management style places a high emphasis on maintaining relationships and fostering harmony.

It’s an approach that prioritizes the well-being and happiness of others, often leading to a quick reduction in immediate conflict.

However, as with any style, there are advantages and potential drawbacks.


  • Harmony: The accommodating style excels at preserving harmony in relationships. Accommodating others’ needs and preferences can help diffuse tension and maintain a positive atmosphere.
  • Reduced Immediate Conflict: This style is effective at reducing immediate conflicts. It often involves yielding or making concessions to prevent disagreements from escalating.


  • Compromised Principles: Consistently relying on accommodation can come at a cost. It may lead to the compromise of one’s principles and values, as individuals may yield to the preferences of others even when it goes against their beliefs.
  • Suppressed Ideas: In some cases, accommodating behaviors can suppress valuable ideas and perspectives. When individuals constantly prioritize the opinions of others, their own contributions may go unnoticed or unexpressed.
  • Perceived Weakness: Over time, overly accommodating may be perceived as a sign of weakness. Others may come to expect compliance, which can negatively affect one’s own needs and well-being.

Consider these practical tips to employ the accommodating style while mitigating potential pitfalls.

Tips for the Accommodating Style

  1. Establish Personal Values: Establish clear values and boundaries to avoid compromising your principles. Know when it’s essential to stand firm on your beliefs and when accommodating others is appropriate.
  2. Express Opinions: While accommodating is valuable, speaking up and expressing your opinions when necessary is equally important. Don’t shy away from sharing your perspective, especially when it contributes to a better solution or outcome.
  3. Be Strategic: Be strategic and conscious when choosing to accommodate. Avoid doing so out of habit or fear. Instead, make deliberate decisions about when and how to accommodate to ensure it aligns with your goals and values.

By striking a balance between accommodating others and maintaining your own principles, you:

  • harness the power of the accommodating style to foster positive relationships
  • reduce immediate conflicts
  • contribute to a harmonious environment while still honoring your values and well-being

Get tips and strategies for prioritizing relationships and harmony with the accommodating conflict management style here.

Navigating Conflict by Temporarily Stepping Away with the Avoiding Conflict Style

The avoiding conflict management style centers around individual needs and stepping back from conflicts, especially when there’s a sense of threat or fear of losing something valuable.

This approach offers temporary relief and delays stress, but it also has advantages and potential downsides.


  • Temporary Relief: Avoiding conflicts can provide temporary relief from immediate tension and stress. It allows individuals to distance themselves from emotionally charged situations.
  • Time to Reflect: Stepping away from a conflict can offer time to reflect and gain perspective. It can prevent hasty decisions made in the heat of the moment.


  • Unresolved Issues: Long-term avoidance often leads to unresolved issues. When conflicts aren’t addressed, they tend to linger beneath the surface, potentially resurfacing later in more detrimental ways.
  • Emotional Strain: Avoidance can result in emotional strain over time. The stress of unresolved conflicts and the anticipation of future confrontations can take a toll on one’s mental health and well-being.
  • Lack of Resolution Influence: Individuals forfeit their direct influence over the resolution process by avoiding conflicts. Problems may fester and escalate, leading to dysfunction and low morale within relationships or teams.

Consider these practical tips to make the most of the avoiding style while mitigating its drawbacks.

Tips for the Avoiding Style

  1. Evaluate Benefits: Instead of responding to conflicts out of fear, take a moment to evaluate the benefits of addressing the issues. Consider the potential positive outcomes of engaging in open communication.
  2. Honest Assessment: Be honest about the costs associated with avoiding conflicts. Recognize the long-term consequences and emotional toll of leaving issues unaddressed.
  3. Open Discussions: When you find it necessary to step away from a conflict, make an effort to eventually engage in open discussions. Face your fears and make your voice heard when the time is right, as this can lead to more constructive resolutions.

By carefully weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the avoiding style and using it strategically, you:

  • manage conflicts to promote best interests
  • contribute to healthier interpersonal relationships and environments

Get tips and strategies for preserving mental health and relationships with the avoiding conflict management style here.

Balancing Fairness in Conflict Resolution with the Compromising Conflict Style

The compromising conflict management style is characterized by a commitment to fairness, where the goal is to ensure that everyone involved gets an equal share in the resolution.

While this style can lead to quicker decisions and a sense of accomplishment, it often entails making concessions or giving up certain aspects to reach an agreement.


  • Fairness: Compromising establishes fairness by giving each party a voice and a share in the resolution. This can contribute to a sense of justice and equality.
  • Quicker Decisions: Compromising often leads to quicker decisions compared to more time-consuming conflict management styles like collaboration.


  • Resentment: Over time, individuals who consistently use the compromising style may focus on what they’ve sacrificed in various situations. This can lead to feelings of resentment and damage relationships.
  • Diluted Success: Relying solely on compromising without considering other styles can dilute success. It might lead to suboptimal solutions and hinder meaningful results, especially in complex or high-stakes conflicts.

To make the most of the compromising style while mitigating its potential drawbacks, consider these practical tips.

Tips for the Compromising Style

  1. Prioritize Values: When compromising, prioritize your core values and non-negotiable aspects of the conflict. Ensure that you don’t compromise on principles that are essential to you.
  2. Maintain Integrity: Be comfortable with the outcome of the compromise. Maintain your integrity throughout the process, and don’t agree to terms that go against your values or principles.
  3. Seek Creative Options: Before resorting to compromise, explore alternative solutions that could lead to win-win outcomes. Get creative and think outside the box to find innovative ways to address the conflict.

By using the compromising style judiciously, individuals can strike a balance between fairness and achieving their desired outcomes.

This approach can contribute to positive results in conflict resolution and help maintain healthy interpersonal relationships.

Get strategies to feel good about the compromising conflict management style trade-offs here.

Embracing a Growth Mindset and Adapting to Different Conflict Styles

In conflict resolution, the ability to adapt to different conflict management styles is akin to wielding a versatile toolkit.

This invaluable skill is not innate but rather a learned art requiring continuous practice and unwavering flexibility.

Conflict management is an acquired skill. Just as a craftsman perfects their trade, you too can enhance your ability to navigate conflicts by delving into the nuances of various conflict styles.

It’s like adding new brushes to your artistic palette, allowing you to paint a more vibrant and harmonious picture of your interpersonal relationships.

Invest time in understanding these alternative styles and how they can be applied within the intricate web of interpersonal relationships. Think of it as exploring uncharted territories, each style offering a unique path to resolution.

This journey is about practicality. To effectively manage conflicts, you must sharpen your skills in effective communication and the art of open dialogue.

These tools will empower you to tackle even the most difficult conversations constructively and appreciate the richness of differing perspectives.

How to Adapt to Different Conflict Styles

Now, it’s essential to acknowledge that sticking with what’s familiar is often tempting.

Your current conflict management style likely served you well. It’s the comfortable path, the one you’ve trodden numerous times.

But it’s equally essential to challenge yourself because, in the ever-evolving landscape of conflicts, clinging to a single strategy is limiting.

To truly thrive, you must dare to explore different strategies for dealing with conflicts.

By doing so, you develop alternative approaches, allowing you to respond more effectively in various situations.

Here are two tips for adapting to different conflict management styles:

  • Maintain an open mind and actively seek inspiration from others.
  • Embrace the wisdom of collaboration, drawing from a collective pool of ideas to move away from your usual style.

This willingness to evolve and adapt is where personal growth flourishes and your conflict management skills expand.

So, as you journey toward mastering the art of conflict resolution, remember that growth often happens at the edges of your learning.

Stretch yourself, explore the unexplored, and watch as your ability to adapt and thrive in conflict leads to positive outcomes and deeper personal fulfillment.

Choosing the Best Conflict Style for the Situation

In the end, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to conflict management.

Each style has its strengths and weaknesses, making it essential to assess specific situations and choose the best style.

By honing your conflict management skills and developing a versatile approach while considering the best interests of all parties involved, you drive more positive results and build stronger interpersonal relationships.

Conflict is a natural part of life, but with the right tools and a willingness to adapt, you can turn it into an opportunity for growth and understanding.

So, what’s your preferred conflict management style, and how can you leverage it to achieve positive outcomes in your personal and professional life?

The first step is self-awareness, followed by a commitment to exploring new strategies for conflict resolution.

Creating Your Personal Conflict Management Action Plan

Once you’ve identified the conflict management style that resonates most with your needs, the next crucial step is crafting a strategic action plan for improvement.

This plan is your roadmap to evolving your conflict resolution skills, enhancing your interpersonal relationships, and achieving positive results in both your personal and professional life.

Here are the essential steps to formulate your personalized Conflict Management Action Plan:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Mastering conflict resolution begins with defining clear and achievable goals. Focus on enhancing your communication techniques and strategies. These goals will be your guiding stars, illuminating the path toward better conflict management.
  2. Define Practical Steps: Goals are essential, but practical steps must accompany them. Outline a series of actions to apply your newfound techniques and strategies actively. Consider how you can implement them when faced with difficult conversations. Doing so, you’ll begin to integrate your chosen conflict resolution style into your daily interactions.
  3. Invest in Growth: Continuous learning is the cornerstone of personal development. Allocate time and resources to invest in your growth as a conflict resolver. Seek out training programs or educational courses that can equip you with better conflict resolution skills. This proactive approach ensures you’re always well-prepared to navigate future conflicts.

Invite More Harmonious Relationships

Each of the five styles of conflict management—competing, collaborating, accommodating, avoiding, and compromising—has unique benefits and drawbacks.

Understanding these styles equips you with a versatile toolkit that can be applied depending on the specific conflict situation, past experiences, and current emotional state.

Embracing this diversity of approaches allows you to adapt your conflict resolution style to the needs of each unique relationship and situation.

The result? More harmonious interpersonal relationships, positive outcomes, and the ability to navigate even the most difficult situations gracefully and confidently.

So, as you embark on this journey of personal growth and enhanced conflict management, remember that your commitment to learning and adaptability will be your greatest assets.

With your action plan and a versatile set of strategies at your disposal, you’re well on your way to fostering better personal and professional relationships.


Understanding the diverse landscape of conflict management styles is critical for achieving successful conflict resolution.

Delving into the advantages and disadvantages of each style helps you make informed decisions about which approach aligns best with a specific situation.

Flexibility, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous personal growth are the keys to proficiency.

Armed with the right knowledge and approach, you can confidently navigate conflicts, transforming them from challenges into catalysts for positive change.

As you explore and develop your conflict management skills, remember there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

Each conflict presents a unique set of circumstances, and your ability to adapt your conflict resolution style accordingly will play a crucial role in achieving positive outcomes.

Embrace the journey of honing your conflict management skills, and watch as you foster stronger relationships, facilitate meaningful resolutions, and unlock the potential for personal and professional growth.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,
