Category Archives: Personal Growth

Embrace the Power of Small Steps for Personal Growth

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Explore strategies to kickstart your personal growth journey with actionable small steps you can take today.

Discover the transformative power of starting small and overcoming overwhelm, as this story guides you towards embracing progress and finding inspiration in the simplicity of consistent efforts toward your goals.

Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. How the Small Steps are Big Leaps
    1. Belief
    2. Reality
    3. Belief
    4. Reality
  3. Areas for Personal Growth
  4. Practical Strategies for Taking Small Steps
    1. Prioritizing Self-Care
    2. Expanding Your Knowledge
    3. Fostering Meaningful Connections
    4. Developing a Positive Mindset
    5. Pursuing Your Dreams
  5. Benefits of Nurturing Personal Growth
  6. Address Common Challenges and Reset
  7. Summary
  8. Related Topics


How can small steps lead to significant personal growth?

I used to have a mindset of only wanting to live a life filled with exciting moments. Highlight reels.

I would wake up each day excited and aim to create a memorable experience. However, seeing no BIG progress in my life left me feeling discouraged and exhausted.

I was chasing, and I was tired.

When I stopped chasing and took the needed time for reflection and prioritizing, I realized personal growth lies not in grand gestures but in the power of small steps.

Today, I invite you to start a journey of self-discovery and progress by taking one small step to set you on a path of continuous growth.

This story will explore how to:

  • Acknowledge the significance of small steps.
  • Explore the various areas for personal growth.
  • Begin taking small steps.
  • Nurture personal growth.
  • Overcome common challenges.

How the Small Steps are Big Leaps

Personal growth isn’t only about big leaps. It starts with small steps.


Personal growth is about external achievements or material success.


While external accomplishments can be a byproduct of personal growth, they do not define its essence.

  • Personal growth includes emotional intelligence, self-awareness, resilience, mindset, and relationships.
  • Inner growth and self-improvement manifest in improved well-being, enhanced relationships, and a deeper sense of fulfillment.


Personal growth requires stepping outside of one’s comfort zone constantly.


Stepping outside one’s comfort zone is an important aspect of personal growth, but it is not the only path.

  • Growth also happens through self-reflection, learning, and small adjustments to daily routines and habits.
  • Personal growth balances stretching boundaries and nurturing oneself with self-care and self-compassion.

Our character is shaped over time by the accumulation of small, consistent actions.

Think about the impact of small actions, like ripples creating powerful waves.

Even if they seem unimportant, every move you make brings unexpected transformations to your life.

Areas for Personal Growth

Personal growth is about the whole person.

From physical well-being to mental and emotional state, relationships, learning, and personal goals.

Think about an area you want to focus on for personal growth today:

  • prioritizing self-care
  • expanding your knowledge
  • fostering meaningful connections
  • developing a positive mindset
  • pursuing your dreams

Practical Strategies for Taking Small Steps

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Lao Tzu

To start your personal growth journey, set small, achievable goals.

Break your larger goals into manageable tasks to tackle them one step at a time.

Here are some ideas!

Prioritizing Self-Care

  • Set aside 10 minutes daily for mindfulness practice, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. Find a quiet space to relax and focus on the present moment.
  • Take a short walk or engage in a physical activity you enjoy, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Movement helps reduce stress and boost your overall well-being.
  • Create a soothing bedtime routine by turning off electronic devices an hour before sleep, dimming the lights, and engaging in activities promoting relaxation, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath.
  • Practice self-compassion by speaking kindly to yourself and letting go of self-judgment. Treat yourself with the kindness and understanding you would extend to a friend.
  • Identify one small thing bringing you joy or relaxation and incorporate it into your daily routine. It could be listening to music, savoring a cup of tea, engaging in a hobby, or spending time in nature.

Remember, self-care is an ongoing practice requiring consistent effort.

Starting with small steps and gradually expanding your self-care routine will cultivate a healthier, more balanced lifestyle prioritizing your well-being.

Expanding Your Knowledge

  • Start by dedicating 15 minutes each day to reading a book or an article on a topic of interest. Set aside a specific time during the day for this reading habit.
  • Enroll in an online course or sign up for a webinar about a subject you want to learn more about.
  • Listen to educational podcasts or watch informative videos during your daily commute or while doing household chores.

Fostering Meaningful Connections

  • Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while and schedule a catch-up call or video chat.
  • Join an interest-based group or community online or in your local area to connect with like-minded individuals.
  • Practice active listening and empathy in your conversations. Show genuine interest in others’ stories, ask open-ended questions, and make a conscious effort to understand their perspectives.

Developing a Positive Mindset

  • Begin your day by practicing gratitude. Take a few moments each morning to reflect on three things you are grateful for and write them down in a journal.
  • Incorporate affirmations into your daily routine. Choose positive statements resonating with you and repeat them to yourself throughout the day.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences. Seek out uplifting books, podcasts, or social media accounts to inspire and motivate you.

Pursuing Your Dreams

  • Take some time to clarify your dreams and aspirations. Write them down in a journal or create a vision board to visualize your goals.
  • Break down your big dream into smaller, actionable steps. Identify the first small step you can take today and commit to doing it.
  • Share your dreams with a trusted friend or mentor who offers support, guidance, and accountability.

Remember, the key is to start small and be consistent with these actions.

By taking these initial steps, you lay the foundation for further growth and progress in each of these areas.

Over time, you can build upon these small steps and gradually expand your knowledge, deepen connections, foster a positive mindset, and make strides toward pursuing your dreams.

Small steps like these may seem insignificant, but their cumulative effect is truly transformative.

Benefits of Nurturing Personal Growth

Nurturing your personal growth through small steps enriches your life and empowers you to become the best version of yourself.

  • As you take these deliberate actions, you’ll witness the gradual blossoming of your self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being.
  • Small steps create a sense of progress and momentum, fueling your motivation to strive for improvement.

It’s important to remember the journey itself holds immense value, not just the destination.

Address Common Challenges and Reset

When working on personal development, we will face resistance, self-doubt, or fear of failure.

Don’t let these challenges discourage you.

Break down the barriers by focusing on small steps within your reach.

When faced with overwhelm, positive affirmations help shift your mindset and remind you of the power of small actions.

Here are some of my favorite positive affirmations for you in those moments:

  1. “I trust small steps lead to significant change.”
  2. “I embrace the power of taking one small action at a time.”
  3. “I release the need for perfection and focus on progress.”
  4. “I am capable of creating positive change through small, consistent efforts.”
  5. “I believe in the transformative power of small actions in my life.”
  6. “I am resilient and will overcome overwhelm by starting with small, manageable steps.”
  7. “I find strength in the simplicity of taking small actions towards my goals.”
  8. “I am making progress, no matter how small, and this is worthy of celebration.”
  9. “I trust each small step I take brings me closer to my desired outcome.”
  10. “I am patient with myself and appreciate the process of growth, one small step at a time.”

Choose the affirmations resonating with you the most and repeat them to yourself whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Allow these positive statements to anchor you in the understanding that even the smallest actions have the potential to create profound and meaningful changes in your life.

Believe in your ability to grow, and let each small step be a testament to your resilience and dedication.


Today, I encourage you to reflect:

What small step will you take to nurture your personal growth?

Then, take action:

What will you do today to take a small step?

Embrace the power of these small steps, for they are the building blocks of a remarkable journey.

Share your experiences, insights, and ideas in the comments as we support and inspire one another along this journey of life.

Remember, greatness lies not in one giant leap but in the accumulation of countless small steps shaping the life you desire.

Embrace the power of your small steps and watch them pave the way to a fulfilling and transformative personal growth journey.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


Conflict Management Styles: How To Identify Your Style to Enhance Personal Growth

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, but how we handle it significantly impacts our personal growth and the overall success of a relationship. Take this quiz to determine which conflict management style you typically use and learn about strategies for managing conflicts more effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. Identify Your Dominant Conflict Management Style
    1. Take the Conflict Management Styles Quiz
  3. Analyze the Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Style
  4. Learn How to Adapt to Different Conflict Styles
  5. Explore Strategies for Moving out of Your Comfort Zone and Enhancing Growth
  6. Develop an Action Plan for Improvement and Growth in Conflict Management Skills
  7. Learn the Five Conflict Management Styles
    1. Competing Conflict Management Style
      1. Benefits
      2. Drawbacks
      3. Tips and Advice
    2. Collaborative Conflict Management Style
      1. Benefits
      2. Drawbacks
      3. Tips and Advice
    3. Accommodating Conflict Management Style
      1. Benefits
      2. Drawbacks
      3. Tips and Advice
    4. Avoiding Conflict Management Style
      1. Benefits
      2. Drawbacks
      3. Tips and Advice
    5. Compromising Conflict Management Style
      1. Benefits
      2. Drawbacks
      3. Tips and Advice
  8. Summary
  9. Related Topics


This quiz is a great first step if you want to understand your typical conflict management style better.

Building on two decades of experience as an educator and 13 years as a Chartered Mediator and conflict management coach, I have designed this quiz from the Thomas- Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).

Presented quickly and comprehensively, you’ll gain powerful insight into handling conflicts and managing difficult conversations!

Identify Your Dominant Conflict Management Style

Asking yourself the following questions helps you identify your dominant conflict management style:

  • Do you usually approach conflicts passively or aggressively?
  • Are you more likely to ignore conflicts or address them head-on?
  • Do you look for win-win solutions, or do you feel that someone must be the winner and someone else must be the loser?

Understanding your typical approach to conflict resolution can help you start the process of developing strategies to address conflicts more effectively.

Take the Conflict Management Styles Quiz

Analyze the Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Style

Once you identify your predominant conflict management style, analyze its advantages and disadvantages.

These questions are great for reflection:

  • Does it help create constructive paths forward in difficult situations?
  • Are there other perspectives or conflicts that have been avoided with this particular approach?
  • Are there areas where a different conflict management style might be more effective?

Analyzing the pros and cons of your typical approach helps you recognize situations in which it might not be the most helpful tool.

This process also provides opportunities for personal growth.

Learn How to Adapt to Different Conflict Styles

Conflict management is a skill that requires practice and adaptation.

Understanding the different conflict management styles helps build successful and effective relationships.

  • Take time to learn about alternative conflict management styles and the numerous ways to apply them in interpersonal relationships.  
  • Practice effective communication skills and open communication to strengthen your ability to constructively address disagreement and explore differences between each other’s perspectives.

With this approach, you will better adjust your conflict management style depending on the situation for positive outcomes.

Explore Strategies for Moving out of Your Comfort Zone and Enhancing Growth

While you may be comfortable using your current conflict management style, it is important to stretch yourself and explore different strategies for dealing with conflict.

Developing alternative approaches helps you to respond to a situation in a more effective way.

Keep an open mind and look for ideas, including those from others, to help you move away from your usual style and reach resolutions more effectively and efficiently.

Develop an Action Plan for Improvement and Growth in Conflict Management Skills

Once you have identified the conflict management style that best suits your needs, creating an action plan for improving your skillset is vital.

Consider setting goals focused on communication techniques and strategies.

Next, define a set of steps you can take and look for opportunities to apply those techniques when dealing with difficult conversations.

Finally, seek out resources and make time for training or educational courses. You never know how these could help you develop better skills for managing conflict.

There is no right or wrong answer to conflict management styles. Each of the five styles has its own benefits and drawbacks.

It’s essential to understand conflict management styles because we use all five!

Our conflict resolution style depends on the relationship, the conflict situation, our experiences, and how we feel at any given moment.

Learn the Five Conflict Management Styles

You’ll get insight into the five different styles with the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Knowing how each conflict style influences difficult conversations helps you choose which style works best.

You’ll discover tips for each style to choose the best approach to specific situations and future conflicts.

Competing Conflict Management Style

Holding your ground is necessary in life. Taking a firm stance is sometimes necessary in conflict situations.

However, when it comes to someone else’s expense, it creates problems.

There are many benefits to using the competing style in conflict situations.

As with other styles, it all depends on the relationship, the issues, and the situation where you would use this style. 


  • quick, decisive action under time constraints
  • people know where you stand, and your own views stand out
  • get things done
  • quick decision
  • results-oriented
  • brings energy and passion
  • often inspire others
  • adrenaline rush
  • clear direction
  • tend to get their needs met
  • you and your views stand out
  • can bring out the best in people
  • quick solution


With the competing style, we often tend to focus on our own goals, views, and solutions, not necessarily the best ones.

Sadly, it is difficult to develop mutual trust in relationships when one or both party uses this style for managing conflict.

This style also discourages others from expressing their opinions; we often get compliance, not commitment. Likely because we tend to focus on our own interests and use of power to achieve desired outcomes.

In the long run, we may create hard feelings and alienate others by focusing difficult conversations on our own concerns first.

Additionally, this style may escalate conflict situations, especially if the other person competes.

The outcome is missing the opportunities to smell the roses and possibly being seen as unable to work within a team.

Tips and Advice

  • First and foremost, slow down, listen, and enjoy the journey.
  • Genuinely seek input with active listening skills and take time to reflect.
  • Remember the common goal and strive to win the war, not the battle.
  • Seeking to reach the best outcome takes time, patience, and respect (self and others).

Collaborative Conflict Management Style

We often hear collaboration is best.

However, collaboration takes an investment of time, effort, and energy and is not helpful in some situations. It is also crucial to recognize collaboration only works when others are willing.

Collaboration has many benefits, but the same goes for other styles. Its success depends on the relationship, situation, and past experiences.


  • all sides satisfied
  • ownership from all
  • synergy of ideas
  • everyone is committed
  • fosters a sense of teamwork
  • focuses on individual interests as well as the needs of others
  • empowering
  • transparent process
  • high moral
  • sense of inclusion
  • builds trust


With the collaborating style, there is often a tendency to get bogged down, and the wheels start spinning.

This style also requires other parties to all willingly engage in the process.

Collaborating is not always possible due to different reasons like limited resources (time, energy, and focus).

Sometimes, one party wants to collaborate, and the other wants to compete or avoid. This is detrimental to the relationships and may even escalate conflict.

Keeping this in mind, collaboration is not always the most optimal solution. Some issues are non-negotiable.

Also, using this style consistently will have negative consequences in relationships where other styles dominate conversations.

Tips and Advice

  • Sometimes you just need to make a decision. Weigh the benefits against the costs and stay focused.
  • It is encouraged to also always have a Plan B in case you get bogged down and the wheels start spinning.
  • Set a time frame for resolution and remain mindful of how taxing this style is on relationships.

Accommodating Conflict Management Style

The accommodating style focuses more on the relationship than the conflict situation.

With the relationship being the most important, accommodation fosters harmony and keeps others happy.

Although this is positive in some cases, there are times when we must rely on one of the other five conflict management strategies to reach an agreement we feel good about.


  • builds harmony
  • reduced conflict (at the time)
  • seen as a team player
  • allows progress
  • keeps others happy
  • helps others feel valued
  • nurtures relationships
  • builds goodwill for future
  • people like you
  • avoid unpleasant confrontation
  • high concern for the relationships


With the accommodating style, there is often a tendency to give up our own principles or values because of the value of the relationship.

In situations where we are seen as expected by others to give in or seen as pushovers, we start to foster resentment and develop negative emotions about our decisions or relationships.

Valuable ideas and perspectives are not voiced, and we may feel manipulated or unsatisfied.

Additionally, by always accommodating, people don’t know whether to believe us when we agree; over time, we may be seen as weak.

The worst part is we tend to sacrifice our own needs and eventually start to wonder if the relationship is worth the time, energy, and focus.

Tips and Advice

  • Know your values and limits and set boundaries.
  • Ensure you are accommodating out of choice and not fear or habit.
  • Speak up, speak out. Your opinion matters!
  • When you do choose to use this style, accommodate consciously and strategically.

Avoiding Conflict Management Style

The avoiding style focuses more on the individual needs than the relationship or the conflict situation.

We tend to avoid when we feel threatened or fear losing something valuable.

Although this is positive in some cases, there are times when we must rely on one of the other five styles to engage and reach an agreement we feel good about.


  • allows things to cool off
  • keeps the peace
  • problems may go away
  • gives time to assess
  • may be safer (physically or professionally)
  • won’t be accountable
  • delays stress
  • not drawn into other’s problems
  • may not be your issue
  • energy is spent on other things
  • no feeling unprepared


It’s far too easy for the avoiding style to become a habit. With this style, there is a low concern for relationships and issues.

Avoidance behaviors become more entrenched, and silence condones the status quo.

Sometimes, the problems escalate and often lead to dysfunction and low morale.

It’s crucial to remember when we avoid, the issues and negativity go underground. They are buried but not dead!

The result is carrying around unresolved issues causing emotional wear and tear.

Using this style gives up direct influence over the issues and the resolution. Giving power away.

Tips and Advice

  • Look for the benefits of addressing the issues rather than responding out of fear.
  • Be honest with yourself about the costs of avoiding.
  • Pick battles, face your fears, get involved, and be heard.
  • Don’t stick your head in the sand. Your opinion matters!

Compromising Conflict Management Style

The ​compromising style ​tends to be fair. Fairness means everyone gets an equal share of the pie.

Focusing on fairness means people do not always get everything they want in a resolution. ​

Although this is positive for relationships in some cases, there are times when we must rely on one of the other five styles to engage and reach an agreement we feel good about.


  • both sides are partly happy
  • each person is involved
  • breaks stalemate
  • ​quicker decisions
  • tends to be fair
  • shows a willingness to resolve
  • ​feelings of achievement
  • got a deal done
  • gets solution


​With the compromising conflict management style, no one gets all they want in a resolution.

Over time people may focus on what they have given up rather than the resolution. This allows resentment to creep in, which may damage relationships.

This style may result in people using inflated demands and bargaining chips during discussions. It may also result in a temporary, band-aid solution to reach a quick agreement.

Using this style consistently for all situations runs the risk of success and ideas being diluted without meaningful results. ​​

Tips and Advice

  • Know your priorities and what values are non-negotiable.
  • Always maintain your integrity and ensure you can live with the outcome.
  • It’s important to focus on the most important aspects of the conflict situation and think outside of the box to seek creative options.
  • Ask yourself if you suggest the solution because you think it’s best or the easiest.
  • Always explore win-win options before reverting to compromise.


This Conflict Management Style Quiz helps identify creative solutions best suited to the situation.

Conflict resolution often requires looking at different perspectives, and understanding what styles and approaches work best will make a huge difference in finding successful outcomes.

With the right knowledge and approach, parties involved in any conflict have the potential to reach an agreement and move forward.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


Want to take a growth mindset quiz to cultivate your potential?

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Ready to unlock your potential? Take this growth mindset quiz to get insights and identify strategies for personal growth.

Personal growth is an ongoing, dynamic process that starts with changing our mindset.

Discover how to shift from a fixed, limited view of and how to work to improve and reach new heights.

Table of Contents

  1. Growth Mindset Quiz
    1. How to Cultivate Potential with this Growth Mindset Quiz
      1. Identify your beliefs about yourself and the world around you.
      2. Assess how comfortable you embrace new challenges and seek out opportunities to learn.
      3. Evaluate how often you take risks and confront fear, failure, or mistakes.
      4. Explore how well you cope in the face of setbacks with adversity.
  2. Summary
  3. Related Topics

Growth Mindset Quiz

Take this growth mindset quiz to discover strategies for cultivating potential, find areas you need to work on and uncover your inner brilliance.

How to Cultivate Potential with this Growth Mindset Quiz

Using the results from this growth mindset quiz is a great way to start your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

The results give you insights into areas of your life you may want to enhance or change.

Here are some ways to use the results from the quiz:

  • Identify your beliefs about yourself and the world around you.
  • Assess how comfortable you embrace new challenges and seek out opportunities to learn.
  • Evaluate how often you take risks and confront fear, failure, or mistakes.
  • Explore how well you cope in the face of setbacks with adversity.

Identify your beliefs about yourself and the world around you.

This growth mindset quiz is a good starting point and helps you reflect on how certain beliefs affect your life.

  • For example, do you believe your abilities are fixed, or can they grow and develop with effort?
  • Do you rely on external sources of validation to measure success or failure, or do you strive for an internal sense of accomplishment?

Answering questions like these helps to uncover hidden talents and break down mental blocks to personal growth.

Once you’ve identified the beliefs holding you back, take the first step to personal growth and replace them with more positive, productive thought patterns.

Reconnect with your inner voice to discover your hidden desires, interests, and goals.

Here are some good strategies to get started with mindset interventions:

  • Read books, articles, and blogs.
  • Listen to a podcast or a TED talk.
  • Watch inspiring YouTube videos.
  • Find a mentor to learn from.
  • Surround yourself with the right people.

These are excellent sources of motivation and inspiration.

Hearing about the success of others has many benefits.

For example, learning from others’ experiences teaches important lessons about different mindsets.

This gives us new ideas to challenge ourselves to try new things and different ways to achieve our goals.

Allowing yourself to make mistakes is integral to the learning process. Don’t give up after a failed attempt! Instead, embrace the journey, recognize we all have different learning styles, and believe in your ability to cultivate your potential.

Assess how comfortable you embrace new challenges and seek out opportunities to learn.

Embracing new challenges and a willingness to learn in different situations are vital elements of a growth mindset.

Reflect on how comfortable you feel taking on challenging tasks, even if it means a possibility of failure.

Take a step back and assess the risks, opportunities, and rewards.

Here are some great questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I actively seek new skills and information opportunities or take on new projects?
  • Am I actively engaged in conversations related to my chosen field or interests, such as attending webinars, seminars, reading industry-specific books, or networking events?

If you’re more comfortable with uncertainty and embracing challenges, start small by taking mini-challenges each day.

For example, read one article from a trusted source, or engage a mentor for career or life advice if feasible.

Make new connections and ask questions about their learning experience.

Here are some topic examples for questions:

  • Projects they have worked on.
  • Which tools, technologies, or strategies have been most effective.
  • Growing edges of their learning.
  • Challenges and opportunities they faced.

Every conversation offers insights and inspiration to help shape our abilities and increase our potential for success.

You can also seek professional development opportunities at your organization or join an online community related to your field of interest to get mentorship and share successes.

Taking small steps like these sets you up for true success and helps cultivate your potential to reach new heights!

Evaluate how often you take risks and confront fear, failure, or mistakes.

Taking risks, even if it means facing failure or making mistakes, is one of the key ingredients to developing a growth mindset.

  • Consider how often you tackle tasks that challenge and make you feel uncomfortable.
  • How well do you manage failure or setbacks?
  • How often are you interested in joining conversations and activities outside your comfort zone?

All these factors provide more insight into cultivating a growth mindset.

Everyone’s comfort zone varies, so encourage experimentation, even if it involves taking the most minor risks. This isn’t a call to take significant, life-altering risks.

Working on small but frequent challenges helps establish risk-taking habits and generate more confidence.

Research has shown that feeling uncomfortable can cause us to feel challenged and stimulated enough to:

  • motivate us to reach our goals,
  • expand our capabilities, and
  • boost our performance.

Explore how well you cope in the face of setbacks with adversity.

Revealing fearlessness in the face of adversity is one way of honing in on our potential.

How do you manage repeated disappointment or rejection?

While the growth mindset emphasizes learning from setbacks, managing these potentially overwhelming emotions sometimes feels challenging.

Exploring how well you cope with adversity and manage repeated disappointment, negative feedback, or rejection is crucial in cultivating a growth mindset.

When facing a challenge that isn’t going your way, consider how well-equipped you are to carry on and where you could benefit from adjusting your attitude.

Consider focusing on your emotional self-care and positively approaching any unintended effects.

For example, use positive affirmations in the face of emotional setbacks and overcome feeling overwhelmed.

In addition, set achievable and realistic goals for yourself. These goals should reflect learning from mistakes or rejection and reframing situations as less harmful.

This is crucial in shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset focused on continual growth and personal development.


Taking this Growth Mindset Quiz is a great first step to uncovering your inner brilliance.

This quiz and follow-up questions help identify strategies for developing and cultivating your potential in areas of your life where you want to work further.

With a growth mindset, you begin the exciting journey of maximizing your talents and achieving new heights!

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


Why Journaling is Powerful: A Reflective Journey of Personal Growth and Life Lessons

Estimated reading time: 18 minutes

Life is a beautiful tapestry woven with countless threads of experiences, lessons, and growth. In the midst of this intricate masterpiece, I have discovered the transformative power of journaling.

Journaling has become my compass, guiding me through the ebb and flow of life’s challenges.

Today, I invite you to embark on a reflective journey with me as we explore the profound impact of journaling and the wisdom it holds.

In my journal pages, I have found solace and clarity amidst the chaos.

  • It is a sacred space where I pour out my thoughts, emotions, and dreams.
  • A sanctuary bearing witness to my journey of personal growth.

There is a magical connection between pen and paper, a therapeutic dance allowing me to unravel the complexities of life and discover hidden gems.

Let me show you how!


As I flip through my journal pages, I am reminded of the immense power of reflection.

In these moments of looking back, I easily discern the patterns, themes, and life lessons shaping my existence.

Each entry becomes a mirror, reflecting the person I once contrasted with who I have become.

Journaling is my time capsule, capturing the essence of my thoughts and experiences and allowing me to measure my progress with a compassionate and discerning eye.

Life’s journey is paved with peaks and valleys, victories and setbacks, but we find the silver linings amidst the storm clouds through reflection.

In revisiting our past selves, we realize the magnitude of our growth and transformation.

Journaling has gifted me the ability to witness my own evolution, celebrate the triumphs, and embrace the lessons learned from the trials.

In these pages, I find the strength to face new challenges and the courage to continue growing.

With pen in hand and an open heart, always.


As I sit down to write this, I am filled with a sense of awe and gratitude for the journey of personal growth I have been on.

It’s remarkable how life’s twists and turns lead us to unexpected places, where we find ourselves face-to-face with the profound lessons that shape our existence.

Today, I invite you to join me on a reflective exploration as we delve into my journal pages of 2021 and 2020 to witness the transformative power of embracing life’s challenges.

Journal Reflection 2021

Greetings, my dear friends. I hope this message finds you surrounded by moments overflowing with joy and love, filling your hearts to the brim.

As I sit here, reflecting on the whirlwind of experiences shaping my path over the past few years, I am reminded of the profound lessons we learn through the tapestry of everyday life.

Lessons emerge when we slow down, take a moment to breathe, and embrace the challenges that come our way.

These lessons become the building blocks of personal growth, leading us toward a life of fulfillment.

Looking Back

Back in 2020, I wrote an article titled “Holding Space in Hainan, China,” capturing the essence of my journey at that time.

Today, I stand before you with an updated perspective enriched by the wisdom gained from navigating the twists and turns of life.

One of the most transformative lessons I’ve learned is the power of slowing down and savoring the journey.

Key Memories

As I immersed myself in the enchanting environment of Hainan, China, I discovered a stark contrast to the bustling pace of life I had grown accustomed to.

In a world where millions rush from one obligation to the next, the people of Hainan moved with serene grace, strolling along streets, beaches, and walkways, reveling in the present moment.

Their contentment and joy were infectious, and I soon found myself aligning with their unhurried pace.

I embraced the afternoon siestas and relished every encounter, cherishing the simple conversations and invitations that brought the island’s vibrant life closer to my heart.

In this newfound rhythm, I realized the importance of cherishing each step, finding beauty in the small moments, and truly enjoying the journey unfolding.

Life Sometimes Has Other Plans

Life, the patient teacher, offered another poignant lesson when I least expected it.

A routine medical examination revealed a congenital heart condition called Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome.

Initially, I was overcome by grief and uncertainty, mourning the loss of the dream of being an organ donor.

However, through this process, I discovered a deeper connection with my heart, which I affectionately named “Berry.”

With her unique wiring and irregular beat, Berry became a symbol of resilience and a reminder to approach life consciously.

She yearned for me to slow down, make deliberate choices, and relish the path I was treading. In this revelation, I found solace and a newfound appreciation for the intricate connection between our physical and spiritual selves.

As the universe often does, it responded to my vulnerability with a timely gift.

In the midst of my anxiety, a serendipitous encounter introduced me to Murphy, a kind soul who happened to be on residency for cardiothoracic surgery.

His presence in my life brought reassurance and a profound sense of love and acceptance.

Murphy’s friendship exemplified the art of holding space for others. Our friendship was a gentle reminder that love, in its purest form, requires no judgment, advice, or expectations.

Through his wisdom, I realized love flows effortlessly, unburdened by the need for constant struggle.

This epiphany transformed my perspective on relationships and taught me to discern the presence of love, where it exists harmoniously and authentically, without the need for excessive effort.

Life’s lessons, however, don’t always come wrapped in serenity and grace.

Here’s my original post with the full story!

Journal Entry 2020: Holding Space in Hainan, China

Good day, my beloveds. I hope you are immersed in the moments that fill you with joy and an abundance of love.

This past month has been a roller coaster of experiences as I continue down this road of choosing love.

This post is dedicated to celebrating the lessons we know we have learned about love and life.

I started classes early this month, which has been a whirlwind of learning.

I have not taught high school students before, let alone high school students whose first language is not English.

Provided with three textbooks for grades 10, 11, and 12, I started to build lesson plans.

Then, I would teach a lesson and revise, rebuild, and try again.

After one month of classes, I can confidently say I make things more complicated than necessary.

Lesson One: Slow Down and Enjoy the Journey

Lesson one for me was to embrace the cliché and appreciate the journey by taking it slow.

Hainan is a very different environment than Canada or Beijing.

In Beijing, 11 million people use the subways daily.

People are running from home to work, to dinner to home to work to family events and home again.

The remaining 11 million people are running, literally running, on their e-bikes or in their cars in the same hustle.

In Hainan, people stroll along the streets, walkways, and beaches and get where they are going when they get there.

Two weeks in, I felt like I had stopped suddenly and had motion sickness.

Adapting to Work and Life

Workdays here start at 8:00 am, and at noon, everyone takes a nap after lunch until 2:00 pm.

Depending on the industry, businesses and government offices open after 2:00 pm and will either close at 6:00 pm or stay open after 10:00 pm.

People are happy here. People are enjoying life here.

They have abundant food, mostly fish, fresh fruits, and vegetables, and they enjoy every morsel in every moment.

Walking down the street, I am stopped for short conversations, with people just wanting to say “hello” and for invitations to take in the island life.

I have met many locals and foreigners here and am truly enjoying myself.

There is no rush here for anything. At times it is frustrating. Most of the time, I align myself with this pace of life.

I have embraced nap time fully and have long ago given myself permission to enjoy daily naps and the contentment they bring.

I continue to listen to my ancestors’ messages and the universe’s signs.

This guidance has opened me up to experiences I likely would not have had if I were still running from one thing to the next.

The Story

A visa requirement in China is for foreigners to complete a medical exam every six months or with every new work permit application.

As I was between work permits between Beijing and here, I needed to do another medical last month when I arrived.

Cringing at the hard truths I learned from this process about my physical state, I went to the foreign medical hospital to complete this daunting task.

We are sent from room to room for every possible test needed to determine our physical health.

Knowing I still have work to do with my body, it is a humbling but unsurprising experience.

This time, though, I was surprised. My test results in December affirmed a few issues for me. These results named the issues.

My heart has pre-excitement syndrome.

Rediscovering Old Truths

I always knew and was told by Canadian doctors about my irregular heartbeat. I would feel it occasionally, but it was never worth much attention.

It remains a minor issue, and now it is confirmed as Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome, and I am aware of any contraindications affecting my life in the future.

This congenital issue basically means my heart was developed with extra wiring between the upper and lower chambers.

Pre-excitement means the wiring fires before the valves open, and the timing is off a bit, creating a distinct irregular heartbeat on the ECG.

Seeing this name on the results sent me spiraling.

I had no idea what this meant. More specifically, I had no idea what this meant for the life I am creating abroad.

I have learned this issue is minor, not life-threatening, and I do not have any other issues with my heart.

What saddens me and sends me into a state of grief is I can no longer aspire to be an organ donor for my heart.

I had pride and comfort in believing I could give someone else life after mine ended.

I spent a few days grieving this loss while fearing I would lose this life I have come to love, and, in the end, I am convinced of two truths.

  • My heart, now named “Berry,” is special because of how she is built.
  • Spiritually, I understand more about her.

In getting to know her this way, I see how she would jump into new experiences and freely give love to anyone she thought would benefit from her gifts.

Now, she needs me as much as I need her to slow down, make conscious decisions, and enjoy the journey.

The Universe Always Delivers in Our Times of Need

The universe responded in my time of need.

It is always funny to me and totally unsurprising how we are presented with opportunities when we need them the most.

It is like the universe is like, ‘Enjoy the journey, and by the way, you are going to need this.’.

The day I was at the medical hospital getting the tests done, I started chatting up the other foreigners who were also doing the tests.

From room to room, as we waited in line, we talked about food and life in China.

One person was so friendly and open, and we started talking at the lab while waiting to give blood.

Facing Our Fears Bravely

I am terrified of needles.

In Canada, I would pass out, and the nurses would have to put me on a bed and use a small children’s needle to do any labs on me.

Here, I put my best and bravest foot forward as I sat on the stool and stuck my arm through a window to give blood.

While standing in the lab, I overheard others talking about how one other person feared giving blood.

I breathed a sigh of relief and thought, ‘Good, I am not alone.’

We went to the next room and started chatting again about ethnic foods and general chit-chat.

In the last room, one of the men came in to tell me where to get the ticket to return for our results.

I thanked him and went to the desk he mentioned, and as we were standing there, he asked for my WeChat contact information.

We shared our contact and were on our way.

Reality Sets In

Two days later, I returned for my results and was leveled with shock, fear, and grief.

I spent the rest of Friday reeling with terror and loss.

I was searching online, imagining the worst, crying and panicking.

My soul sister and I did a FaceTime call to debrief.

I went to my smudge pot, prayed, meditated, and eventually fell asleep.

Felling gutted and unravelling, my soul sister always shares nuggets of wisdom. I am grateful.

The next day Murphy, the man from the clinic, messaged me to say ‘hi,’ and we chatted.

I felt so disengaged but grateful for the distraction and the conversation.

We chatted through the normal introductions as foreigners in China. When I asked him what he was here for, he replied, “I am a doctor on residency for cardiothoracic surgery.”

Numb, I put my phone down, looked up, and said, ‘Of course he is.’.

My tears of grief turned to tears of joy, feeling completely loved and feeling completely embraced. Another affirmation I am exactly where I need to be right now.

Murphy and I have developed a good friendship over the past three weeks.

He has a beautiful heart; a generous spirit, and I am grateful.

My soul sister always tells me people come into our lives for reasons and seasons.

Murphy has stepped into my life and helped me bring consciousness to Berry’s existence, and I feel truly grateful. All my relations.

Lesson Two: Holding Space

Lesson two for me is about how we hold space for others.

I have focused so much energy on creating space for others and realized I am also still learning how to hold space for others.

In the spirit of ‘reasons and seasons’, a dear friend has taught me how to hold space.

He has taught me through his words and shown me how he holds space for me in real-time action.

In essence, this is the purest form of love. Unconditional love where there is no judgment, no advice, no expectation, nothing other than love in the purest form while sharing space together.

The Universe Delivers Again

In a truly vulnerable moment after learning the new name for an old issue with Berry, I felt alone, exhausted, and downright icky.

Thomas called me, and we talked about life as we do, and my heart cried out for answers.

We discussed holding space for others, and he said, ‘It’s not that hard.’

When he said it, it sounded and felt like we were in a spotlight moment.

Almost like he was sitting on a stool on a stage with a spotlight on him, and his words echoed throughout the room.

I will never forget this moment.

It struck me because I always thought it was hard or needed to be hard, and I was doing it wrong.

My karmic lessons about love are that love is hard and love is work.

In reading Deepak’s works, meditating, and leaning into my spirituality, I have heard love is not meant to be hard. Love begins and ends with self-love, and love just is.

  • But what about with others?
  • Does the same apply in relationships with others as it does in relationship with ourselves?
  • How do we project love from within to without?
  • What does this all mean?!

I watched Thomas while he talked and shared this profound wisdom with me, and I felt complete peace and calm.

It was like all the pain and worry; everything lifted in that split second.

Reflecting on Pivotal Moments in Life

I have reflected on this moment because it touched me deeply and was life-changing.

This was a pivotal moment for me to understand love and gave me one criterion when looking at my relationships.

A love moment:

  • If it is love, it will just be.

Anything else feeling like a lot more work than what it needs to be, is not for me, and I will no longer hold space for it.

There is no room when there is love. Holding space is love.

This also applies to my relationship with my work. Working so hard to create lessons is not love.

Love in teaching my lessons is listening and then creating.

After our call, I started to journal old beliefs and experiences, I re-read and re-watched spiritual teachings through a lens of love being love, and everything changed.

Everything seemed lighter and brighter.

The universe gave me a gift in Thomas and his message. He showed me in real-time how to hold space while sharing wisdom, and as the stars aligned for me at that moment, the click was a gentle chime, and I understood.

It was a profound moment, and I am grateful. My grandmother’s prayers are still watching over me. Meegwich.

Thomas has taught me a profound life lesson by holding space for me. I am grateful.

Lesson Three: There is Always a Higher Purpose

Lesson three for me is that sometimes shit just happens, and sometimes when the shit happens, there is a higher purpose for our greatest good.

Two weeks ago, I was at school for two classes totaling eighty minutes.

My colleague and I were planning brunch after class, planning our location, and walking out to our e-bikes.

The day was beautiful and bright, and we were done for the day. I was excited about lunch, some free time, and my daily nap.

When I arrived at where I had parked my e-bike, the space was filled with another e-bike.

I took a deep breath, put my head down, and sighed.

My ebike was stolen. I have been here before.

My first ebike. I was SO proud of myself with this purchase.

My First Stolen Bike

Last year after I sold my truck in Canada, I went to the library on a beautiful Sunday morning bike ride.

Big Blue carried me many miles over the years. I was so happy to be at the park and even journaled then did a FaceTime call with Molly.

My bike was my only source of transportation in my last few months in Canada. I locked my bike outside, and when I came out a few hours later, my bike was completely stripped of tires, seat, gears, and handlebars.

With the lock intact, I left the frame on the parking meter and walked to my Airbnb 10 km from the library in the rain.

I left Big Blue in the street and cried all the way to my Airbnb. Sad day.

This time, my entire e-bike was taken!

I desperately clicked my alarm, hoping to hear it call out for me as I thought I might have forgotten where I had parked it.

No alarm, just silence as I clicked frantically.

Greg rolled up on his e-bike, and we rescheduled our lunch when I told him what had happened.

With my head hung low, I walked home, crawled into bed, and cried.

After my nap, I meditated, and in meditation, I realized I needed to walk more.

I need to move more.

I will take a scuba diving course in October, and now that I know the limits with Berry (Thank you, Murphy), I need to focus on cardiovascular health.

Thomas is so dedicated to his walking time, has transformed his life with walking, and inspires me to do better.

This is my time to do better.

I have decided I do not need an e-bike in my life right now. Although this decision was largely imposed upon me, I feel better after two weeks of solid walking.

I feel limber and lighter, giving me time to slow down and be in the moment.

I racked up the steps each day!


In this fast-paced world, it’s too easy to get caught up in the relentless pursuit of success, constantly moving forward without pausing and reflecting.

But I have realized true fulfillment lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself.

The intimate connection between pen and paper has become a trusted companion, allowing me to capture the essence of my thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

By slowing down and immersing ourselves in the present moment, we open ourselves up to the profound lessons hidden in plain sight.

My friend:

  • When did you last pause to reflect on your journey?
  • Have you ever revisited the pages of your own journal, seeking guidance and inspiration from the person you once were?

We often underestimate the depth of wisdom that lies within us, waiting to be uncovered.

The experiences we encounter and the challenges we face all hold valuable lessons to guide us toward a life of fulfillment.

Through these moments of reflection:

  • We gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose.
  • We learn to navigate the intricate tapestry of life, embracing both the light and the shadows with grace and resilience.
  • In messy, imperfect moments, we find the raw material for growth and transformation.

As I share my experiences and insights with you, I humbly invite you to embark on your journey of self-discovery.

The road may be winding, but in these twists and turns, we find the true essence of our being.

Are you ready to embrace the challenges, reflect on the lessons, and embark on a journey of self-discovery?

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


How Accountability Helps You Start Self Love Journaling

Estimated reading time: 14 minutes

Accountability and tracking progress are important aspects of any self-improvement journey, including when you start self-love journaling.

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, but it’s important to have a system in place to hold yourself accountable and track your progress over time.

This blog post explores strategies for holding yourself accountable and tracking your progress with self-love journaling.


I’m thrilled to share my journey with self-love journaling and its transformative impact on my life.

It all began in 2018 when I embarked on a daily journaling practice, seeking a deeper connection with myself and a path to self-discovery.

As I dedicated time each day to reflect, explore my thoughts and nurture self-compassion, I soon realized its profound effect on my overall well-being.

Over time, I found that adapting my journaling routine to once a week allowed for more spaciousness and integration of insights. It became a ritual I eagerly anticipated, a sacred time to dive into the depths of my emotions, dreams, and challenges and emerge with newfound clarity and understanding.

I established monthly check-ins to ensure I stayed on track and celebrated my progress, creating a roadmap to measure my growth and guide my next steps. These moments of reflection became pivotal milestones in my personal development and self-love journey.

A Journey of Self-Love and Personal Growth

Through my own experiences, I firmly believe self-love journaling is the gateway to a fulfilling life.

It empowers us to:

  • explore the growing edges of our learning
  • adjust our course
  • measure our progress
  • adapt to life’s ever-changing landscape
  • reset our intentions moving forward

I am passionate about sharing my insights, lessons learned, and the transformative power of self-love journaling with others. My heartfelt belief is by embracing this practice, you will unlock your immense potential, cultivate self-awareness, and embark on a journey of personal growth and fulfillment.

Join me on this incredible voyage of self-discovery, and let the pages of your journal become a sanctuary for self-love, healing, and empowerment.

Together, let us embark on a journey that nourishes your soul, ignites your passions, and brings forth the radiant, authentic, and fulfilled version of yourself that awaits within.

Remember, you are worthy of self-love, and your journey starts now.

Step 1: Set Empowering Goals that Propel Your Self-Love Journey

Embarking on your self-love journaling journey begins with the pivotal step of setting specific and inspiring goals.

These goals serve as guideposts, propelling you on your self-discovery and personal growth path.

Let’s delve into some strategies to help you craft meaningful and attainable goals.

Be Specific and Intentional

Rather than setting vague aspirations, such as “write in your journal regularly,” aim for specificity.

Specify the time, duration, and frequency of your journaling practice.

For instance, set a goal to dedicate 10 minutes every morning for the next 30 days to immerse yourself in journaling, allowing for a profound connection with your inner self.

Measure Your Progress

It’s essential to create goals that are measurable, enabling you to track your progress and celebrate your achievements along the way.

For example, instead of a broad objective like “improve self-esteem,” consider setting a goal to consistently identify and challenge negative self-talk in your journal for the next month.

This tangible focus allows you to gauge your progress and witness your transformation.

Ensure Achievability

While setting goals to challenge and stretch you is crucial, ensuring they are attainable is equally important.

Be realistic about your current commitments and responsibilities, finding a balance that allows you to devote ample time to your journaling practice.

Setting achievable goals fosters a sense of accomplishment and fuels your motivation to continue this transformative journey.

Align with Your Personal Growth

Tailor your goals to reflect your unique needs and aspirations.

Consider the areas of self-love and personal growth that resonate deeply with you.

You may aspire to cultivate greater self-compassion or work on overcoming self-limiting beliefs.

You infuse your journaling practice with purpose and meaning by aligning your goals with your personal growth objectives.

Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability

Remember, life is an ever-evolving journey, and allowing room for flexibility and adaptability in your goals is essential.

As you progress on your self-love journaling path, you may uncover new insights or change your priorities.

Embrace the opportunity to adjust your goals accordingly, ensuring they align with your evolving needs and aspirations.

Setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals in your self-love journaling practice empowers you to take intentional steps toward personal transformation.

By infusing your journaling sessions with purpose and clarity, you unleash the full potential of this remarkable tool.

So, embark on this journey with determination, knowing that every goal you set brings you closer to a profound sense of self-love and fulfillment.

Step 2: Designing Your Journaling Ritual: Embrace the Power of Consistency

Now that you have set your inspiring goals, it’s time to establish a journaling routine to anchor your self-love practice.

Consistency is key, as it cultivates a sense of dedication and allows the transformative power of journaling to unfold.

Let’s explore specific examples to help you create a journaling routine that seamlessly integrates into your life.

Morning Magic: Kickstart Your Day with Reflection

Consider incorporating journaling into your morning routine, as it sets a positive tone for the day ahead.

Dedicate 10 minutes every morning, before the world awakens, to indulge in the serenity of self-reflection.

Find a cozy corner in your home or create a tranquil outdoor space where you can fully immerse yourself in the stillness of the morning.

Let the pages of your journal become a canvas for your thoughts, gratitude, and intentions, allowing you to align your mindset and cultivate self-love from the very beginning of your day.

Evening Unwind: Reflect and Release

Alternatively, you may find solace in unwinding through journaling at the end of your day.

Carve out 10 minutes each evening just before you retire to your sanctuary of sleep.

This practice is a gentle release, allowing you to process the day’s events, acknowledge your triumphs and challenges, and cultivate a sense of closure.

Use this time to express your thoughts, feelings, and insights while nurturing a deep sense of self-compassion and acceptance.

Allow your journal to become a trusted confidant, a sacred space where you can unburden your mind and heart.

Lunch Break Recharge: Midday Reflection

For those seeking respite from the busyness of the day, consider utilizing your lunch break as a designated journaling oasis.

Find a quiet corner or retreat to a nearby park to savor a few moments of tranquility.

Use this time to delve into self-reflection, jotting down your thoughts, aspirations, and moments of gratitude.

Embrace the opportunity to realign your energy and perspective, infusing the remainder of your day with renewed positivity and self-awareness.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Tailor Your Routine

Remember, your journaling routine should reflect your unique lifestyle and preferences.

Feel free to customize it to suit your needs and adapt as circumstances evolve.

Perhaps you prefer shorter, more frequent journaling sessions throughout the day, or maybe you find solace in longer, uninterrupted periods of reflection.

The key is to find a rhythm that works harmoniously with your schedule and allows you to prioritize self-love.

As you establish your journaling routine, remember to create a conducive environment that promotes focus and tranquility.

Consider incorporating calming rituals, such as lighting a candle, playing soothing music, or engaging in brief meditation before you begin.

These mindful acts enhance the ambiance and foster a sense of sacredness around your journaling practice.

By infusing intention and consistency into your journaling routine, you unlock the transformative power of self-love.

As the pages of your journal become a testament to your growth and self-discovery, this ritual becomes an anchor in your daily life.

So, find the time, the space, and the serenity to embrace the profound practice of journaling, knowing that each session is an opportunity to nourish your soul and cultivate self-love.

Step 3: Embrace the Power of Progress Tracking: Illuminating Your Journey

Tracking your progress is vital to staying accountable in your self-love journaling practice.

By creating a journaling log, you can delve into the depths of your self-reflection, uncovering patterns and celebrating milestones along the way.

Let’s explore a structured approach to tracking your progress, allowing you to gain valuable insights into your evolving self.


Begin your journaling log by recording the date of each session.

This simple step not only helps you maintain a chronological record of your practice but also serves as a reminder of your commitment to nurturing self-love consistently.

Time Spent

Alongside the date, note how much time you dedicate to each journaling session.

Whether 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour, this metric measures your commitment and consistency.

It lets you observe how you prioritize and invest in your self-growth journey.


After each session, jot down a brief description of what you wrote about or the themes you explored in your journaling.

This serves as a glimpse into the depths of your inner world, revealing patterns, emotions, and thoughts that emerge during your self-reflection.

Over time, you will witness your self-awareness’s evolution and the growth that transpires.

Reflect on Patterns and Themes

Regularly review your journaling log to discern any recurring patterns, themes, or shifts in your mindset.

By observing these nuances, you gain a deeper understanding of your progress, challenges, and areas of personal growth. This reflection allows you to celebrate your triumphs, identify areas that require further exploration, and intentionally adjust your journaling practice.

Adapt and Evolve

As you become more attuned to your journaling journey, don’t hesitate to adapt your log to suit your changing needs.

You might choose to incorporate additional elements, such as emotions experienced during each session, gratitude reflections, or personal insights gained. The journaling log is a flexible tool that can evolve alongside your evolving self.

Remember, tracking your progress is not about judgment or perfection but rather about gaining insights and fostering self-awareness.

  • Embrace the opportunity to witness the tapestry of your growth and transformation unfold within the pages of your log.
  • Celebrate your dedication, acknowledge your challenges, and recognize the beauty of your journey.

As you track your progress, you’ll gain a profound understanding of your commitment to self-love and witness the tangible impact of your journaling practice.

Each entry in your log becomes a testament to your unwavering dedication to nurturing your soul.

So, embrace the power of progress tracking, and let your journaling log illuminate the remarkable journey of self-discovery and self-love that lies ahead.

Step 4: Embrace the Power of Celebrating Your Victories: Fueling Motivation and Momentum

In your journey of self-love journaling, you must honor and celebrate your wins along the way.

These celebrations are powerful fuel, propelling you forward, bolstering your motivation, and nurturing the momentum needed to reach your goals.

Let’s explore strategies to embrace the art of celebration and make it an integral part of your self-love journey.

Treat Yourself

When you achieve a milestone or complete a period of consistent journaling, take the opportunity to treat yourself to something special.

It could be a small indulgence, such as enjoying a decadent dessert, leisurely walking in nature, or immersing yourself in a favorite hobby.

By rewarding yourself, you reinforce the positive association with your accomplishments and create a joyful connection between your efforts and self-love.

Share Your Progress

Openly share your progress with a trusted friend, family member, or support group.

Shine forward and share the benefits of self love journaling.

Reflect and Express Gratitude

Take moments to reflect on your progress and express gratitude for your growth.

Write in your journal or speak aloud about the positive changes you’ve experienced, the insights gained, or the self-compassion you’ve nurtured.

By acknowledging and expressing gratitude for your wins, you cultivate a deep sense of appreciation for your journey and foster an inner environment of positivity and self-love.

Create a Celebration Ritual

Establish a unique celebration ritual that honors your milestones and accomplishments.

It could involve lighting a candle, engaging in a short meditation, or writing a letter of acknowledgment to yourself.

This ritual serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of your progress and reinforces your commitment to self-love.

Embrace the Journey

Celebrate not only the big victories but also the small moments of growth and self-discovery.

Acknowledge the steps you’ve taken, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the progress you’ve made, no matter how small.

Every win, however seemingly insignificant, contributes to your overall self-love journey. Embrace the joy of the process and celebrate every milestone along the way.

Remember, celebrations are not just for reaching the final destination but for embracing the transformative power of self-love in every step.

Recognizing and honoring your wins infuses your journey with joy, resilience, and a deep sense of fulfillment.

So, celebrate your victories, big and small, and let the light of your accomplishments shine brightly, illuminating the path of self-love that lies before you.

Step 5: Embrace the Power of Reflection and Adaptation: Honing Your Self-Love Journaling Practice

In your transformative journey of self-love journaling, reflection and adaptation play a pivotal role in refining and deepening your practice.

As you embark on this path of self-discovery and growth, you must periodically pause, reassess, and make intentional adjustments.

Let’s explore how you can embrace the power of reflection and adapt your self-love journaling practice for continued progress.

Reflect on Your Progress

Regularly set aside time to reflect on your journey.

  • Review your journal entries, revisit your goals, and assess the impact of your practice on your overall well-being.
  • Take note of the insights gained, patterns observed, and areas where you have experienced growth.

Reflecting on your progress provides valuable self-awareness, enabling you to celebrate achievements, identify areas for improvement, and reconnect with your intentions.

Assess Goal Alignment

Evaluate the alignment between your current goals and your evolving needs.

  • Are your goals still relevant and meaningful to your self-love journey?
  • Are they challenging yet attainable?

Be open to adjusting or refining your goals based on your self-discovery.

This process ensures that your journaling practice remains purposeful and tailored to your unique aspirations and growth edges.

Adapt Your Routine

If you find yourself struggling to stick to your current journaling routine, it may be a sign that adjustments are needed.

Assess the time, place, and conditions in which you engage in self-love journaling.

Consider whether your current routine aligns with your energy levels, schedule, and preferences.

  • Explore alternative times, such as during lunch breaks or before winding down for the night.
  • Experiment with different settings that inspire focus and tranquility.

Flexibility and adaptability are key to creating a sustainable and fulfilling journaling practice.

Experiment with Prompts and Techniques

Embrace the opportunity to explore new journaling prompts, techniques, or styles that resonate with your evolving needs.

  • Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and delve deeper into areas of self-exploration.
  • Experiment with gratitude journaling, visualization exercises, or incorporating affirmations into your practice.

This ongoing experimentation keeps your journaling practice fresh, engaging, and aligned with your growth journey.

Seek Support and Accountability

Consider seeking support from a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist who can provide guidance, accountability, and encouragement.

Share your reflections, goals, and challenges with them, allowing their insights and feedback to enrich your practice.

Engaging in a supportive community, whether in person or online, can also provide additional accountability and inspiration.

Remember, self-love journaling is a dynamic and evolving practice that adapts to your changing needs and circumstances.

Embrace the power of reflection and adaptation as essential tools for nurturing self-awareness and fostering personal growth.

Continuously refining your practice creates space for deepening self-love, compassion, and understanding.

Embrace the transformative nature of self-love journaling, trusting that your willingness to reflect and adapt will guide you toward a more fulfilling and authentic path of self-discovery.

Summary: Embrace the Journey of Self-Love Journaling

In this transformative exploration of self-love journaling, we have uncovered the keys to nurturing a profound sense of self-awareness, compassion, and growth.

Remember, self-love journaling is not merely about following a set of rules or achieving a specific number of prompts. It is a deeply personal and empowering practice that invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and self-compassion.


  • Setting specific goals and creating a journaling routine that resonates with you will pave the way for consistent self-reflection and growth.
  • Tracking your progress illuminates your path, revealing patterns, milestones, and inspiring insights along the way.
  • Celebrating your wins infuses your practice with joy, motivation, and the strength to continue nurturing your self-love.
  • As you reflect on your progress and adapt your goals and routine, you honor your ever-evolving needs and aspirations.

This flexibility allows your practice to align harmoniously with your unique journey, fostering a profound connection with your true self.

And throughout this remarkable journey, always remember that self-love journaling is just one facet of a holistic self-care toolkit, where meditation, therapy, exercise, and nature intertwine to cultivate a deep wellspring of self-love and well-being.

Now is the time to embrace the power of self-love journaling and awaken the limitless potential within you.

Take the first step toward a more fulfilled, empowered, and authentic life by investing in your self-love journey today. Unlock the transformative magic that awaits within the pages of your journal, and let your voice, growth, and self-love shine brilliantly.

Remember, you hold the key to unlocking the infinite wellspring of self-love within you.

Embrace the journey, cherish the growth, and savor the extraordinary transformation that awaits. Your self-love story begins now!

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


How Journaling Life Lessons Helps Us Discover Our Personal Power

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

Reflecting upon my experiences, I realize the life lessons I learned during that time continue to shape my journey abroad and guide me toward a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Dear readers, today I invite you into the pages of my personal journal from 2020, a year marking a transformative chapter in my life.


In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is often challenging to pause and truly contemplate the impact of our choices, the weight of our possessions, and the sacrifices we make for love.

Yet, through my journal pages, I discovered profound insights that have resonated with me to this day.

From the beginning, I recognized our material possessions’ overwhelming influence over us. Inspired by “The Story of Stuff” by Annie Leonard, I embarked on a decluttering journey, liberating myself from the burden of accumulated belongings.

Little did I know that this simple act of letting go would pave the way for a minimalist lifestyle that allows me to cherish and appreciate what truly matters.

But it wasn’t just about physical possessions but the sacrifices we make for love and the strength we find within ourselves.

With the unwavering support of my family, I embarked on a new chapter abroad, leaving behind the familiar comforts of home. It took immense courage to follow my dreams, trust in the path less traveled, and honor my love for myself and those closest to me.

In doing so, I discovered the true essence of love – the profound connection between sacrifice and growth.

Journal for Self-Belief

As I poured my emotions onto the pages of my journal, documenting the uncertainties, the fears, and the moments of sheer vulnerability, I realized the immense power of self-belief.

Despite the doubts that occasionally clouded my mind, I held onto the belief that I am strong, independent, and capable of embracing change. This unwavering conviction has guided me through the challenges and empowered me to craft a life that aligns with my most authentic self.

Today, as I continue to journey forward, I am reminded of the lessons etched within the pages of my 2020 journal.

Explore the Depths of Self-Discovery with Your Journal

Each day, I consciously make choices that honor my values, cultivate joy, and contribute positively to the world around me.

My journey abroad has become a testament to the transformative power of embracing life’s lessons and staying true to oneself.

Dear readers, I invite you to join me on this ongoing adventure as we explore the depths of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life together.

Let us be inspired by the conscious decisions we make each day and the boundless possibilities that unfold when we embrace the journey with an open heart and an unwavering belief in our own potential.

Celebrating My One Year Chinaversary (December 20th, 2020)

Good day, my beloveds. Well, my one-year Chinaversary came and went, and I decided to dedicate this post to what I have learned after my first year in China.

Life lessons came to the forefront of this experience.

Discovering the Impact of Our Stuff

Last January, a friend asked me about my first month in China. So, of course, I replied that it was great.

At that time, we were going on trips out of town to the hot springs, attending banquets and parties, going on city tours, and enjoying all that Beijing has to offer for local and international cuisine.

But, as you all know, the next month everything changed.

Our Story with Stuff is Simple

Our story with stuff can be simple. I read the book, ‘The Story of Stuff’ by Annie Leonard many years ago.

This book started as a movie, lecture, and movement. It highlights our consumer-crazed culture and how our obsession with stuff impacts Mother Earth and humanity.

In 2011, I started to become obsessed with decluttering. But only actively embraced a minimalist lifestyle wholly in 2019.

Embracing Minimalism

In 2011, I donated our home library of books and cannot believe I kept books like trophies on the shelves.

I promised myself at that time to only have a library card and no longer purchase any books. I held to this promise and now only buy books I want to keep in e-book format.

I started to recycle clothing every six months in donation bins for charity.

Kitchenware I did not use in six months went to the donation bin, then most anything that had no place in my home went to the donation bins.

Surprisingly, when moving to China in 2019, I realized how much more I had accumulated and needed to figure out what I would do with it before moving.

Starting Over with a Minimalist Lifestyle

In July 2019, I removed anything that did not fit in two suitcases and a carry-on.

I decluttered not only my closets but also my vehicles and other unnecessary things for a single woman starting over with life abroad.

Items no longer needed included my house. Once my girls had everything they wanted, including rubber maid totes filled with family pictures, I sold what had value, and the rest when to charity.

I digitized the family pictures in Google Drive, created a binder with necessary documents after backing them up in digital format, and let the rest go.

I moved into AirBnb on August 1st until I left Canada on December 12th.

Life Lesson One

I will admit there were times I felt hopeless and a little unhinged at the end of 2019.

Telling people around me, I was living in Airbnb left an air of discomfort in our relationship.

  • Was this my mid-life crisis?
  • Was I detaching from everything from my past life as part of a healing process?
  • Was I running away?

Ultimately, it was all for the best, and the whole process was cathartic. I felt liberated and free. I felt light and open. Now I live a minimalist lifestyle by only keeping what I will use.

First and foremost, it all starts with consciously buying the things I will retain and use consistently.

When I arrived in Beijing, I had two suitcases and one carry one. Although packed to the brim, they brought all I would need to start my life abroad.

Moving from Beijing to Hainan in China, I was faced with downsizing my home again. This time though, all I needed was my angel kitty 盼盼 and my two suitcases and one carry-on.

What I learned is we can become swamped with stuff.

Do I miss it? Sometimes. For the most part, whatever I need, I have.

When I miss the comforts of a luxury jacuzzi or fireplace, I will find an executive suite for a night or two and feel satisfied.

Our story with stuff does not need to be complicated. It is pretty simple. What do you use, what do you need, and what luxuries are must haves? The rest can go.

A powerful life lesson.

Love is Sacrifice

Love is sacrifice.

When I was preparing to leave Canada, my girls were in a state of change.

I knew my 20+ year career at my college was winding down with changes being made in administration, so I needed to make a move for me and my family.

I could have found another similar job but also had a burning fire for travel. I had always dreamed of living abroad, and with both my children grown and independent, I could make that move for myself.

Choosing Love and Sacrifice

People have always told me, and I have always believed that love is shown through what people will do for you.

It may sound selfish, and I get it if you are cringing reading this. However, I have come to learn that love is a sacrifice.

Love is what we are willing to give up for those who we love.

Although love is unconditional, it is expressed through sacrifice. This includes self-love.

Life Lesson Two

Months of discussions about planning for the changes in our relationship, often ending in tears and thoughts of terror, revealed this was the best move for me and our family.

I could not help my children in the way I wanted to if I stayed. Costs of living for a single woman with no dependents, income taxes, and all things considered would leave me with a reduced quality of life and miserable.

Not affording to travel or living bare bones minimum may allow one annual trip.

I am grateful my girls saw the value in my needs, and I still hear my Molly saying, “Mom, you raised us, and you were always there for us. This is your time to focus on you.”.

A powerful life lesson.

Journal to Focus on Yourself

I was a parent at 19 years old by choice. I started academic studies with young ones in tow. I started my career while balancing family life.

This is my time to focus on myself, support my adult children in our new way of being in a relationship, and live out my best life by contributing to the world around me in the best ways possible.

People have always told me, and I have always believed that love is shown through what people will do for you.

Love is Sacrifice

It may sound selfish, and I get it if you are cringing reading this. However, I have come to learn that love is a sacrifice.

Love is what we are willing to give up for those who we love.

Although love is unconditional, it is expressed through sacrifice. This includes self-love.

Journal About Love

What am I willing to give up to express love to myself?

Well, I gave up a need for making things look as they should with our family life, I gave up the need to do what I should be doing for a career or job, I gave up the kind of house and neighborhood I should be living in to feel like I am in my tax bracket.

  • I gave all of this up to live my life for my true self.
  • I also gave up my life in Canada to move abroad to build myself financially and be in a better position to help my children when they need help.
  • My girls gave up the desire to have a mom with a home they could visit for a weekend here and there and for holiday dinners.
  • Molly gave up my being at her college volleyball games.
  • Alexa gave up my needing to be there to help her with her firstborn.
  • Molly gave up her summer last year to help her sister with the baby, and I gave up hugs and kisses and playtime with my girls and grandson to live out my life dream.

Love is sacrifice.

I used to believe love is the flowers and gifts and all the things we do for each other and give to each other.

Those are nice, do not get me wrong, but what I have learned this past year is that love is sacrifice.

I have never felt more in a state of love with myself and my children and my family around me as I do now.

Choosing love means choosing your most authentic self first. Then, the rest will fall into place.

Courage to Test Our Beliefs

It takes courage to test what we believe to be true about ourselves.

I was always told I was strong, independent, smart, and open-minded. Yet, I felt terrified, weak, alone, and wrong in the days before I left.

I balanced this with glimmering moments of excitement and enduring love from my girls and loved ones. I am grateful.

Discovering True Independence

First and foremost, I learned how to feel truly independent.

No other experience, not even being a mother for the first time, taught me this kind of independence.

On the flip side, my self-esteem developed immensely as I had the opportunity to test what I believed about myself.

Mustering up enough courage to leave all that was familiar and move to the unfamiliar in every sense helped me to test what I believe about myself and refine my self-esteem to include more. I am grateful.

Life Lesson Three

I learned that even the change we want for ourselves could leave us feeling completely gutted and uncertain about our capacity to make it through.

I cried on the plane from Calgary to Vancouver. No, I ugly cried. I sobbed uncontrollably because Alexa called me as I was seated and ready to taxi on the runway to tell me she was having a son.

She said, “Mom, I am giving you the son you never had.”

I completely unraveled.

Once we landed in Vancouver, I tidied myself up, organized my carry-on luggage and clothing, and headed to the Air Canada lounge.

A powerful life lesson.

Embrace Surprises in Life

Standing outside the lounge at 11:30 pm, I see an entourage approaching my direction. It was surreal. Stephen Harper was the last Canadian I spoke to on Canadian soil in Vancouver that night.

Once I saw it was him, I approached him and extended my hand.

His security people came close, and he nodded.

I said, “Mr. Harper, sir. Thank you for serving our country.”

He nodded, smiled, and asked my name. I told him, “Suzanne Marie, and I am a First Nations Canadian.”

He said, “Nice to meet you, Miss Marie; where are you off to?”

I said, “Sir, I am moving to Beijing.”

He smiled and said, “Beijing? It is a beautiful city.”

We exchanged a few more short quips, and he wished me well and was on his way.

Journal Your Memories

I laughed to myself because I was standing there in a hot pink onesie with rawhide beaded moccasins and pink fox fur cuffs. My hair was in a bun, and my face was blotchy with swollen eyes from crying so much between Calgary and Vancouver.

Regardless, it makes for one hell of a memory to say the last Canadian I spoke with was our former Prime Minister.

At that moment, I exercised what I had been told and what I always believed about myself.

Landing in Beijing, navigating the basic everyday tasks, and not knowing what anyone was talking about taught me valuable lessons.


Although this post was to celebrate my one-year Chinaversary in 2020, it highlights important life lessons we can use to take stock of what is around us wherever we may be.

These experiences provided a fast track to learning what I needed to know.

Thank you for reading my post. Sending you all love and light.

Until next time.


How Powerful Life Lessons Transformed Me from Wounded Healer to Spiritual Warrior

Estimated reading time: 28 minutes

Are you looking for meaningful transformation? This empowering story reveals how I developed from a wounded healer to a spiritual warrior by embracing pivotal life lessons.

It’s taken me five years to share this story, revealing my own personal growth journey.

I hope this story helps you unlock your potential and start your journey to self-discovery today!


The term “wounded healer” has been used in various cultural contexts and is defined in various cultures.

Ultimately, the meaning is consistent across cultures, and each healer uses their life lessons to help others.

Four explanations of a wounded healer in practice are:

  1. Jungian Theory of “Wounded Healer”
  2. The Shaman
  3. Traditional Healer (Medicine Man or Medicine Woman)
  4. Elders

Wounded Healer

In 1951, the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung introduced the concept of the “wounded healer.”

According to Jung, a healer who has experienced and overcome personal trauma and suffering uniquely helps others in their own healing journeys by sharing life lessons.

Jung believed experiencing a “disease of the soul” is an advantage for a healer, as it provides a deep understanding of the pain and struggles their patients are going through.

Through their healing process, wounded healers gain valuable insights and wisdom to assist others in their healing journeys.

This concept highlights the importance of self-reflection and personal growth for those who aspire to help others in their own healing journeys.


The shaman is a type of healer who has undergone personal struggles and battled their own inner turmoil, earning the title of “wounded healer.”

They possess the gift of clairvoyance and communication, enabling them to interact with spirits and animal guides to help relieve others of their suffering.

Traditional Healer

A traditional healer and spiritual guide who caters to Indigenous communities in the Americas is commonly known as a Medicine Man or Medicine Woman.

The various cultures within these communities have their own unique terminologies, expressed in their respective languages, to refer to the spiritual healers and ceremonial leaders within their particular cultural context.


In First Nations communities across Canada, we have Elders to guide us through our stages of life.

Elders are the source of wisdom and leadership in our communities and offer a wealth of knowledge to help us become who we are meant to be in this life as we prepare for the next.

They share their own experiences and life lessons to help us become clear in our focus and path.

Although I had visited and worked with Elders throughout my life, I first met with Elders in southern Alberta, who helped me begin my healing journey in 2018.

Native American Proverb

There is a well-known Native American proverb that speaks to the idea of the “wounded healer.”

“The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.”

This proverb suggests that through our struggles and hardships, our “wounds,” we gain wisdom and insight that we can use to help others.

Only by experiencing pain and suffering can we truly empathize with others going through similar experiences and offer them the guidance and support they need through sharing our life lessons.

The wounded healer has faced their own personal struggles and has emerged from those struggles with a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

They use their own experiences to help others who are struggling to guide them on their own path to healing.

This proverb is a powerful reminder that our wounds and struggles are not something to be ashamed of or to hide from but rather something to embrace and learn from.

  • We become stronger and more compassionate by embracing our own pain and suffering.
  • We use our experiences to help others who are going through similar struggles.

My Story

The journey from being a wounded healer to a spiritual warrior is a transformative and life-changing experience.

It was a journey of deep healing, personal growth, and spiritual awakening that helped me tap into my true potential and become a more powerful and authentic healer.

Early in my career, I was drawn to healing work as a way of helping others, but I often neglected my needs and struggled to maintain my sense of balance and well-being.

As a wounded healer, I struggled with my own wounds and traumas and often felt like I was carrying the world’s weight.

Over time, however, I realized my wounds were not a liability but a source of strength and wisdom.

Through my own healing journey, I learned to embrace my vulnerabilities and use them as a source of compassion and empathy for others.

I also began cultivating a deeper connection to my spiritual self and tapping into a source of inner strength and resilience I had never known before.

Personal Growth Journey

As I continued to grow and evolve, I felt a shift in my perspective and my approach to healing work.

I began to see myself not as a wounded healer but as a spiritual warrior.

I saw myself as someone who had faced the darkness and emerged stronger and more resilient, with a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to serving others.

Spiritual Warrior

As a spiritual warrior, I approach healing work with a new sense of confidence and power.

I draw on my experiences of transformation and growth to guide and support others on their journeys of healing and self-discovery.

Sharing life lessons, I see my role not as fixing or healing others but as holding space for their transformation and growth.

Empowering them to tap into their inner strength and wisdom.

Life-Changing Experience

The journey from being a wounded healer to a spiritual warrior was not easy, but it was deeply rewarding and life-changing.

It helped me tap into my inner strength and resilience and embrace my own wounds and vulnerabilities as a source of power and wisdom.

Through self-discovery, I became a more effective and authentic healer with a deeper sense of purpose and a commitment to serving others compassionately and empoweringly.

As I continue my journey as a spiritual warrior, I am grateful for the life lessons and experiences that have brought me to this point.

I am committed to living my life purposefully and serving others with compassion, empathy, and deep respect for their own unique paths and journeys.

Feeling Unfulfilled

I started seeing a psychologist early on in my career in 2000.

As I taught post-secondary students about helping relationships, I always recommended anyone in the helping field have an impartial third party to process experiences.

A psychologist or mentor helps us unpack and make sense of our roles as helpers.

Despite my weekly visits with my psychologist, I felt lost and unfulfilled.

While the therapy sessions were helpful in some ways, I knew something was missing. I craved a deeper, more spiritual connection to help me find true healing.

That’s when I decided to seek spiritual guidance from First Nations Elders.

Although I was always aware of the presence of Elders in spiritual healing, I had never sought out traditional practices as a source of healing.

Seeking Traditional Healing

Growing up with my Kokums (grandmothers), I had always been drawn to their deep reverence for the natural world and their wisdom about the interconnectedness of all things.

I remember my aunt always offering tobacco when fishing or picking blueberries. This is a sign of gratitude for Mother Earth and the sacrifice to provide us sustenance.

Feeling lost after massive changes in my life, I needed to follow my heart and seek out the wisdom of the Elders to reconnect with my roots and truly help me on my journey of coming home to myself.

So, I embarked on my own journey, seeking Elders who could offer me guidance and wisdom.

Embracing Wisdom

A friend in our community was active in offering others traditional ceremony experiences to celebrate our culture and provide healing opportunities to those in need.

I reached out to him, sharing my story and what I sought in my life. He understood and coordinated a meeting with an Elder to provide guidance on what may be helpful in my situation.

We met about a week later at a café in a small town outside of our city. To this day, I cannot fully describe the experience as it was powerful, heartwarming, and reassuring.

The Elder we met had his own story to share, and after sharing mine, he eloquently and compassionately told me his.

In our discussions, the message was clear.

We all must choose our identity in this life.

Once we become clear on our identity, we choose our path forward.

Choosing My Identity

I grew up in a multicultural home. My parents were of different ethnicity, deeply embedded in their languages and cultures, yet we only spoke English at home.

My dad was Russian, and my mom is Cree Metis (First Nations).

I have only ever known how to exist between worlds. However, being on the fringe has given me the gift of impartiality.

My sense of being an outsider is likely why my first career choice was to be a police officer.

I then landed in mediation practice and eventually teaching. Today, as I wind down my teaching career, I am a writer. Each on the outside in their own way.

The Elder told me that I must choose an identity to find healing.

He also shared a story about how the source of my suffering, despair, and uncertainty was from living between worlds. Choosing one does not mean abandoning another.

He explained further that whichever identity I choose, he will welcome me to a Sweat Lodge Ceremony.

We ended our meeting, and I left feeling refreshed and clearer about the task ahead.

I was at a crossroads in life and needed to choose who I would become to move forward.  

Crossroads and Choosing a Path to Move Forward

Being at a crossroads in life is a daunting and overwhelming experience.

It is a time of great uncertainty when we are forced to confront difficult questions about who we are and what we want out of life.

For many of us, this moment comes when we face a choice about our identity.

We may have been living our lives according to someone else’s expectations, or we may have been unsure of who we truly are.

But at the crossroads, we are forced to choose a path and decide who we want to be.

This is a scary and intimidating process. It requires us to confront our fears and doubts to decide to shape the rest of our lives. But it is also an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.

At the crossroads, we have the chance to:

  • take control of our own lives,
  • define ourselves on our own terms, and
  • move forward with a sense of purpose and direction.

We shed the expectations of others and embrace our true identity, allowing us to live our lives authentically and honestly.

Of course, this is easier said than done.

Choosing a path is painful and difficult, requiring us to let go of certain things holding us back.

It also requires us to confront our limitations and step outside our comfort zones.

But in the end, it is worth it.

By choosing a path, we move forward confidently and clearly, knowing we are living our lives with purpose and intention.

We embrace our own identity and live our lives in a way that is true to ourselves.

My Path Forward

After spending a few weeks in deep self-reflection, contemplating how to move forward, I decided.

I contacted my friend, and we set a date to meet with the Elders for a Sweat Lodge Ceremony on the traditional Blackfoot Territory in southern Alberta.

Preparing for the Sweat Lodge Ceremony

We arrived at the Elders’ home in the early morning of mid-November 2018.

Tucked along the Rocky Mountains, the view was spectacular, and the air was crisp and fresh.

I won’t get into the exact experience overall and will only share my perspective to honor the ceremony and its participants.

After greeting us with coffee, we sat around the wood fire as the helpers prepared the stones to take into the Sweat Lodge.

The Sweat Lodge itself was a constructed dome covered with tarps and secured into the ground. The inside had a large fire pit in the center where the rocks would be added.

Once we were ready, we changed into our appropriate attire. I brought a long cotton skirt and t-shirt to help absorb the heat.

Sweat Lodge Ceremony

The experience was intense and transformative, pushing me to my physical and emotional limits.

Ultimately leading me to a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.

As I entered the Sweat Lodge, I was immediately struck by the heat and darkness surrounding me. The only light came from the hot stones that had been heated for hours and were now glowing red in the center of the Lodge.

The air was thick with the smell of sage and sweetgrass. The sound of singing and drumming filled the space.

I felt a sense of both excitement and trepidation. Knowing I was about to embark on a journey that would challenge me in ways I couldn’t yet imagine.

As the ceremony began, the heat inside the lodge intensified. I felt sweat pouring down my face and body.

The singing and drumming grew louder, and I closed my eyes, trying to focus on my breathing to stay present in the moment.

As the ceremony progressed, I felt a sense of release and surrender.

Letting go of the thoughts and worries weighing on me for so long.

I felt connected to the other participants in the lodge. All working together to create a safe and supportive space for healing.

Midway through the ceremony, the Elders said a prayer for me coming home. They asked Creator for wisdom to offer as guidance.

Then, the Elder I met weeks before gave me a beautiful name.


Being named by the Elders in a traditional Sweat Lodge Ceremony was a deeply moving and transformative experience for me.

It was a moment of profound connection and affirmation. I was welcomed home into our community and given a new name to reflect my true essence and purpose.

“Mah-Nis-Da-Gee” (Woman of Many Tribes).

The Elder explained my journey to our ceremony, how my experiences between worlds and my desire to come home shaped the vision for my future.

I am a woman of many tribes, and moving forward, I carry this name.

The Sweat Lodge Ceremony was a challenging but transformative experience.

I felt a sense of release and surrender. Letting go of my fears and doubts.

Opening myself up to the Elders’ guidance and the traditional ceremony’s wisdom.

As the ceremony progressed, I felt a growing sense of connection to the other participants and the natural world around us.

I was moved by the Elders’ depth of knowledge and experience who led us through the process.

I felt deeply grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a powerful and transformative ceremony.

After The Sweat Lodge Ceremony

After the Sweat Lodge Ceremony, the Elders invited us to share our experiences and reflections.

As I spoke about my journey, I felt a sense of clarity and purpose I had never felt before.

I realized I had been holding back from fully embracing my true self and calling. The ceremony helped me break through those barriers and embrace my true potential.

Emerging from the Sweat Lodge feeling exhausted and exhilarated showed me I had pushed myself to my physical and emotional limits. Still, I also experienced a sense of clarity and understanding I had never felt before.

I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to participate in such a powerful and transformative ceremony.

The guidance and support of the Elders who led us through the process by sharing their life lessons and wisdom were endearing.

With a new name, I recognized the truest and most authentic parts of myself. In addition, I heard the call to live my life in alignment with those values.

In the days and weeks following the ceremony, I carried my new name as a source of strength and inspiration.

It reminded me of the power of community and tradition and the wisdom and guidance of the Elders who led us through the process.

It also gave me a sense of direction and purpose. For the first time in my life, I had a clear vision of the path ahead.

Continued Personal Growth

In the days and weeks following the Sweat Lodge Ceremony, I reflected on the experience and what it taught me.

I realized I had been holding onto much fear and uncertainty in my life and that the ceremony helped me confront and move past those feelings.

I also felt a renewed sense of connection to the natural world and the traditional wisdom of the Elders and our culture.

The journey of self-discovery is a lifelong process, but the Sweat Lodge Ceremony gave me a powerful starting point.

It taught me to confront my fears and limitations, trust in my own strength and resilience, and connect with something larger than myself.

I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this ceremony and the life lessons and insights it gave me on my self-discovery journey.

And most importantly, I found a sense of inner peace and healing that had eluded me for so long.

The Elders’ guidance and wisdom helped me see my life differently.

Most importantly, I understand my place in the world more profoundly and meaningfully.

Coming Home to Myself

After meeting with the Elders, I felt like I was finally returning home to myself and my roots.

It was as though I had been lost and wandering for years, searching for something I couldn’t quite name, but now I had found it.

The experience of meeting with the Elders was a powerful one. They welcomed me with open arms and shared their wisdom, teachings, and life lessons gently and profoundly.

Through their guidance, I shed the old layers of my identity, the masks I had worn for so long to fit in and please others.

It was a process of unlearning. Letting go of the things that no longer served me and rediscovering the parts of myself I had forgotten.

I began to see myself in a new light as though a veil had been lifted from my eyes.

And the newfound clarity came with a deep sense of peace and wholeness.

Liberating Self-Discovery

For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was myself again.

Or, rather, a new version of myself who is more authentic, grounded, and at peace.

I was no longer trying to be someone I wasn’t or trying to fit into a mold that didn’t quite fit.

I was simply me, and I was enough.

It was a liberating feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. And it gave me a sense of purpose and direction I had been missing for so long.

I knew challenges and struggles would still be ahead, but I also knew I had the tools and wisdom to face them with grace and strength.

Looking back on that experience, I am filled with gratitude and reverence for the Elders’ wisdom and guidance.

They helped me find my way back to myself, my roots, and the things that truly matter.

And I know their teachings will continue to guide me as I progress on my journey.

Time to Clean up My Life!

Four months after my first Sweat Lodge Ceremony experience, I returned for a second ceremony in April 2019.

My time between these experiences had been tumultuous. Although I felt inner peace with embracing my identity, the world around me had not adapted.

Meaning I felt renewed inside but continued living the same way I had before coming home to myself.

It didn’t work, and changes need to be made.

I recognized how I continued to live life around me in a way that did not align with the life force from within me or my core values. This lack of alignment brought conflict into my life.

After the second ceremony, I felt more confident about living the life I wanted. I was ready to take action immediately.

But first, I needed to remove anything from my life I allowed to steal my peace.

I decided to commit to twelve months of complete clarity with myself.

This is how I achieved clarity.


I had believed I needed an intimate relationship since changing my life and leaving a twenty-five-year marriage.

These relationships were not fulfilling and needed to be aligned with who I was and what I desired from a partnership.

Getting clear meant removing intimate relationships from my life for at least one year.

This gave me time to see what I would learn about myself and what I desired.


I sought companionship and comfort in the party crowd after my divorce.

Initially, feeling free and liberated, I soon learned this was a false sense of freedom and wasn’t at all empowering.

I was lonely and flailing.

The false comfort gave me only moments of the connection I sought.

I needed to remove alcohol and all the companionships paired with it to be clear and focused on where I was going.


I am a woman of many tribes.

Yet, I spent my life amongst familiar surroundings, people, jobs, and habits.

I yearned to experience the world and life outside of my comfort zone.

It was time I cleared my plate to travel and learn from other cultures and people.

I also needed to learn I am self-sufficient and will survive on my own in the world.


Noticing the need for change is a difficult but essential step in our personal growth and transformation.

For me, this realization came in the form of recognizing the impact alcohol and intimate relationships had on my life.

Deciding to take a year-long break from both was empowering and liberating.

It was not an easy decision, requiring a lot of self-reflection and honesty.

I always enjoyed social drinks but had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

In the first year after the divorce, I had been in and out of relationships. Mostly to fill the void of a partner because I believed I was flawed by not having one.

Amid one of my breakups and subsequent tearful calls, my soul sister said, “STOP trying to make a puzzle piece fit when it doesn’t!”

Her view from the outside of my relationships was much more enlightening than my view from within. I am grateful.

I’m chuckling as I write this because, wow. Just wow. So grateful.

My habits with alcohol and relationships took a toll on my mental and emotional health.

Allowing them to take up space in my life prevented me from living my life to the fullest.


I realized alcohol had become a crutch, numbing my emotions and avoiding the difficult feelings I needed to process.

I also realized my relationships had become a source of distraction, and I was not fully present or authentic in them.

So, I made the decision to take a break. I committed to abstaining from alcohol for one year and taking a break from intimate relationships.

Creating New Healthy Habits

At first, it was a scary and uncertain time.

After the first month, it became profound growth and liberating. This led to transformation.

Without alcohol, I was forced to confront my emotions and process them healthily and constructively.

  • Leaning on prayer and smudging with sage and sweetgrass, I embraced the traditional teachings of my Elders.
  • I also re-connected with my psychologist and rolled up my sleeves to dive into the deep end. Unpacking old patterns of behavior and re-discovering my core values.
  • I discovered new hobbies and interests that brought me joy and fulfillment, and I began to see the world with fresh eyes.

Without relationships, I focused on my personal growth and development.

  • I learned to be more comfortable with being alone and value my company and presence.
  • I also began to develop deeper and more meaningful connections with the people around me as I was more fully present and engaged in my interactions with them.
  • Embracing and creating space for my role in raising women was focused and purposeful.

The year passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was time to reintroduce alcohol and intimate relationships back into my life.

But the experience changed me.

I approached these aspects of my life with a newfound sense of conscious intention and mindfulness.

A life lesson I learned is noticing the need for change is difficult. But it is a catalyst for growth and transformation.

By taking a break from alcohol and intimate relationships, I was able to confront my own limitations and embrace new possibilities for my life.

My one year turned longer and was a transformative and life-affirming experience.

I am grateful for the life lessons and growth it brought me.


In May 2019, I decided to move to China.

I sold or gave away all of my personal possessions, furniture, house, and vehicles.

It was a decision that required courage, faith, and a willingness to step out of my comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

As I made the decision to leave behind my old life and start anew, I felt a mix of emotions.

In the weeks prior to my move, I felt excitement, fear, and a deep sense of uncertainty.

I was leaving behind a life I had built for myself, along with family and friends who had been a constant source of love and support.

But I also knew that this was the right decision for me.

I had been feeling stagnant and unfulfilled in my old life, and I knew I needed a new direction, a new challenge, and a new sense of purpose.

I said goodbye to my loved ones and boarded a plane to China on December 12th, 2019.

With only two suitcases and a carry-on, I wrapped myself in homemade moccasins and mink fur to comfort myself on the plane.

It was a daunting journey but also one filled with possibility and potential.

Discovering Self-Sufficiency

As I settled into my new life in China, I discovered a newfound sense of freedom and possibility.

I let go of the baggage of my old life and embraced new experiences and opportunities I would never have thought possible.

I also discovered a new sense of independence and self-reliance.

With only my two suitcases and a carry-on, I was forced to simplify my life and focus on the essentials.

I learned to rely on my strength and resourcefulness, and trust in the universe to guide me on my path.

There were challenges and obstacles along the way, but I embraced them as opportunities for growth and learning.

I learned to navigate a new culture, communicate with people who spoke a different language, and find my place in a new community.

I felt strong and resilient by continuing to lean on my spiritual practices and meeting my psychologist in video calls, especially when COVID hit.

Looking back on my decision, I know it was right for me.

This decision allowed me to break free from old patterns and limitations and embrace new possibilities for my life.

I am grateful for the experience and the sense of freedom, purpose, and direction it gave me.

The journey taught me the power of letting go and embracing new experiences with an open heart and a clear mind.

Raising Women

Someone asked me how I could possibly leave my life and my family behind.

They asked what example am I setting for my daughters when they still needed me.

As a mother, one of our most important responsibilities is to raise our daughters to be strong, confident, and empowered women.

Our daughters are the future, and we must instill the values and principles to help them thrive and positively impact the world.

One of the most important values we teach our daughters is setting healthy boundaries.

My intention in raising women is to set healthy boundaries around our most authentic selves, claiming our space and protecting our value.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Far too often, women are socialized to put the needs of others ahead of their own, to sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of others.

But this is not sustainable, and it needs to be healthier.

  • We must teach our daughters it is not only okay to set boundaries but also necessary for their well-being and happiness.
  • It’s ok to say “no” when needed and to stand up for themselves and their needs.

This is a crucial skill in serving our daughters well throughout their lives.

Being a Role Model

Being a mother of daughters is not just about raising our daughters. It’s about making a difference for all women worldwide.

We must be mentors and role models for other women and create a community of support and empowerment.

By teaching and mentoring core values like setting healthy boundaries, we help to create a world where women are valued, respected, and empowered.

We help create a world where women are equal and free to pursue their dreams, take risks, and make a difference.

I liberated myself to pursue my dreams and take risks. The life lessons I learned make a difference for my daughters.

Living My Values

As a mother, I am committed to a vision of a better world for women.

I am committed to raising my daughters to be strong and empowered women and to being a mentor and role model for other women.

In 2018, I was not living my values in a way to merit being a role model for raising women.

I needed to take massive action to remove toxicity from my life, so I could heal and become the best version of myself for the next generations.

Moving to China threw us on a fast track to learning independence and self-sufficiency.

When I talk to my girls now, three years later, I see three independent, self-sufficient, and self-reliant women with unstoppable self-esteem and confidence.

This is a beautiful symptom of transformation.

7 Pivotal Life Lessons

My self-discovery and personal growth journey transformed me from a wounded healer to a spiritual warrior.

These are the seven pivotal life lessons I learned along the way:

  • Understand your triggers.
  • Face your fears head-on.
  • Embrace self-love and compassion.
  • Develop an awareness of the universe around you.
  • Practice mindful living every day.
  • Empower yourself.
  • Courageously live your legacy.

Life Lesson One: Understand Your Triggers

Every person has their own set of personal triggers.

Recognize and understand the people, places, and things causing pain or discomfort.

Some triggers can be avoided by understanding your core wounds and digging deeper into why these triggers affect you.

Other triggers may require you to learn new skills or practice self-care to make them more manageable.

Becoming aware of your triggers is a powerful step toward personal growth.

Life Lesson Two: Facing Your Fears Head-On

Fear is one of the most debilitating triggers.

However, facing situations making you feel anxious or scared is often the only way to push past a limiting belief truly.

To become a spiritual warrior, I had to challenge myself by doing things that caused me fear and discomfort.

First, I focused on small worries, such as being labeled as damaged for having divorced and being single.

Later, I learned to handle more significant issues, like stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing change.

Each fear conquered opened up new pathways to personal growth and fulfillment.

Life Lesson Three: Embrace Self-Love and Compassion

Another key life lesson I had to learn was how to love and accept myself.

True strength comes from inner peace.

To help me embrace self-love, I placed gentle reminders around my environment, such as fresh flowers, inspirational notes, and uplifting books.

I also began meditating every day and doing yoga to find stillness within.

Most importantly, I started to build more meaningful relationships with people who actively loved and supported me.

Embracing connection brought breathing space during those moments of darkness in which it was hard for me to love myself.

Life Lesson Four: Develop an Awareness of the Universe Around You

Developing an awareness of the universe around me also enabled me to grow spiritually and transform.

Spending time in nature and connecting with positive energies helped open my heart and remove blocks preventing me from being my most authentic self.

They say other powerful forces constantly support us. Still, I had lost sight of this connection as a wounded healer.

Spending too much time in my own head and not enough feeling into the supportive energies surrounding me.

Life Lesson Five: Practice Mindful Living Every Day

You must practice mindful living daily to unlock your potential and begin the transformation journey fully.

This means:

  • Engaging with yourself from a place of loving compassion.
  • Being honest about your feelings.
  • Pursuing experiences aligning with your core values.
  • Embrace the power of stillness to reconnect with your true self
  • Trust in the Divine support available to you.
  • Stay positive even through difficult times.

It takes courage, but it is well worth it.

Life Lesson Six: Empower Yourself

Empowering yourself to make choices that may seem selfish to others is one of the most courageous things you can do.

  • It takes strength and determination to put your needs and desires first.
  • Ignore the naysayers and critics.
  • Live your life on your own terms.

It’s not about being selfish. You have the right to live your life fulfilling and meaningfully.

Take control of your own destiny and actively contribute to the narrative of your legacy.

Too often, we are held back by the expectations and opinions of others.

We are told we should follow a certain path, prioritize the needs of others above our own, and sacrifice our own desires for the sake of others.

But this is not sustainable, and it needs to be healthier.

If we don’t care for ourselves or prioritize our needs and desires, we will become resentful, burnt out, and unhappy.

Life Lesson Seven: Courageously Live Your Legacy

It takes courage to break free from these expectations and to empower ourselves to make choices that may seem selfish to others.

But when we do, we open up a world of possibility and potential.

  • We create space for ourselves to pursue our passions and dreams.
  • Take risks and make mistakes.
  • Live our lives to the fullest.

And the best part is when we empower ourselves in this way, we become a source of inspiration and empowerment for others.

We learn it’s possible to live a life that is true to oneself, to follow one’s own dreams and desires, and actively contribute to the narrative of one’s legacy.

So, if you’re feeling stuck, if you’re feeling held back by the expectations of others, I urge you to take a step back and consider what is truly important to you.

  • Empower yourself to make choices that may seem selfish to others but are true to yourself.
  • Embrace the courage to live your life on your own terms and to actively contribute to the narrative of your own legacy.

You will be amazed at the difference it will make in your life and in the lives of those around you.


A personal growth journey from being a “wounded healer” to a “spiritual warrior.” transforms pain and suffering into strength and resilience.

  • I learned the importance of taking responsibility for my own actions and choices and not blaming others for conflict or difficulties.
  • Letting go of attachments and finding inner peace begins with choosing your identity and then the path to lead you home to yourself.

Through these experiences and life lessons, I cultivated a sense of purpose and meaning in my life and discovered a deeper connection with my own spirituality.

So, if you find yourself at a crossroads in life, know you are not alone.

It is a difficult and challenging time but also a time of great possibility and potential.

Embrace the uncertainty and trust that your chosen path will lead you where you need to be.

Choose your path with courage and confidence, and know you have the power to shape your own identity and your own future.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


References Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul: 9781780288314: Dunne, Claire: Books. (2023).

(PDF) How Jung’s concept of the wounded healer can guide learning and teaching in social work and human services. (n.d.). ResearchGate.

How to Live a 100 Year Life on the Path of Personal Development

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Have you ever wondered why some people seem better at achieving their goals than others? Successful individuals understand the importance of their path of personal development and use it to unlock their potential.

This blog post shares all the tips and insights you need to know for success on your personal development journey.


The ‘100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity’ (Gratton and Scott, 2016) is a thought-provoking book that teaches us how to prepare for a world where people live longer and reach triple-digit ages.

It provides invaluable advice on how to be resourceful, think ahead, and make the most of our time to live a meaningful life.

The book is based on the premise that as life expectancy continues to rise, more people live to 100 years or more.

This book gave me a distinctive outlook on life and the perspective to effectively manage visible and hidden resources to create a successful career path. An English student recommended this book to me in 2019.

Since first reading this gem, it has been an invaluable asset for decisions about furthering education, relationships, and how I spend my time on my own path of personal development.

Create a Path of Personal Development for 100 Years

The book explores how life in the 21st century differs from before and what we can do to live our best lives. It encourages readers to think beyond the traditional retirement age and plan for a lifetime of success, fulfillment, and happiness.

In addition, the book encourages readers to start planning to reap the rewards later. No matter their age.

This phenomenon, known as a 100-year life, has significant implications for how we should live our lives.

Here are three key ideas from the book:

  • As life expectancy increases, it is essential to consider the implications for our relationships and careers.
  • Adapting to a longer life means we must be prepared to make lifestyle changes to ensure our well-being and longevity.
  • It also means that we must plan for our future in the long term, taking into account how our relationships and career will evolve.

Learning to Adapt to an Extended Lifespan

Understanding how our relationships and career may change throughout a centenary lifespan allows us to create meaningful connections with others and plan for a successful career path.

By understanding the concept of a 100-year life, we can learn how to best adapt to this new reality and make the most of our extended lifespans.

The 100-year life book is a personal development book focusing on helping readers to make the most of their lives.

Here are a few ways it provides guidance and advice on how to plan for the future and take advantage of opportunities that come your way:

  • Learn to prioritize and align your career goals with your personal values.
  • Create a lifestyle that offers a healthy balance between work and leisure to ensure you reap the rewards of both.
  • Maintain physical and mental health over the years by staying active, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress levels.
  • Learn to adjust and try something new for your career, working life, and education. Take the time to explore these opportunities and make the most of them.
  • Invest your time and energy into the relationships that truly matter. Cherish family and friends, as they are some of your greatest intangible assets. Investing in these relationships helps bring you a longer, more satisfying life.

This video explains the concepts explored in the book:

How planning for a 100 year life shapes your path of personal development.

Getting Started with Your Path of Personal Development

By taking the advice from the book, we set ourselves up to make the most of our lives and achieve our goals in both personal and professional realms.

Here are 4 ways to start your path of personal development today:

  1. Set short and long-term goals and take action.
  2. Become more self-aware.
  3. Let go of limiting beliefs.
  4. Learn from mistakes and understand the power of failure.
  5. Develop a growth mindset and invest in yourself.

Set Short and Long-Term Goals

It is essential to differentiate between short and long-term goals.

  • Short-term goals are attainable within relatively short periods (weeks or months). They should focus on one skill or behavior you wish to accomplish.
  • Long-term goals usually take longer than a year to achieve. They could involve multiple areas, such as financial prosperity, physical health, and leadership.

Setting clear, actionable goals will provide direction and give you an idea of the steps needed to reach your desired objectives.

Take Action

Setting goals is just the first step in personal development.

To make sure your goals become a reality, you have to commit to taking action and remain focused.

  • Make a list of what needs to be done and set aside realistic amounts of time each day to ensure you can complete all tasks.
  • Working with a mentor or coach can also keep you accountable and motivated as they provide valuable feedback and insight while monitoring your progress.

By consistently working towards these goals and changing any behaviors that hold you back, you will be able to reach the level of personal growth that eluded you before.

Become More Self-Aware

Becoming more self-aware is paramount to your personal development journey.

To do this, you must first understand your purpose in life, what drives you, and how the people around you create value in your life.

  • Engaging with yourself, reflecting on your successes and mistakes, and learning from both.
  • Asking for honest feedback from people you trust helps in becoming more self-aware.

Once you become more aware of who you are, it becomes easier to identify areas that need positive changes.

Practice Mindfulness

It is helpful to further your growth in the area of self-awareness by practicing mindfulness.

Self-awareness includes paying attention to how certain situations and emotions make you feel and understanding how they might present themselves in different contexts.

Try meditating or taking a moment each day to observe how certain situations may affect you emotionally.

Awareness of our thought processes aids in developing self-awareness, as it allows us to detect beliefs or habits not serving us.

Paying close attention to our mindset and identifying beliefs no longer serve us helps us make changes for the better.

This goes a long way in personal development!

Practicing mindfulness is our fuel along our path of personal development.

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

An essential part of personal development is letting go of limiting beliefs.

These thoughts and stories you tell yourself limit your potential or keep you from achieving your desired success.

Examples of limiting beliefs are “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do that.”

By recognizing these negative thoughts and challenging them, you are freeing yourself to reach your full potential.

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and taking risks to achieve something great, with the knowledge that even if you fail, it will be an invaluable learning experience.


An essential part of letting go of limiting beliefs is self-reflection.

When examining your thoughts, be kind and compassionate to yourself as you identify which thoughts are productive, positive, and stifling.

Once they have been identified, actively work on replacing them with more empowering, realistic thoughts.

Enlist Others on Your Path of Personal Development

Talking to a trusted mentor or friend also helps in letting go.

A second pair of eyes brings awareness to specific areas in our lives we may not have noticed before.

Be sure to find someone who will offer honest feedback and advice you can learn from rather than reinforcement for negative or unproductive thinking.

With practice, you will find your investment in personal development is beginning to pay off!

Learn From Mistakes and Understand the Power of Failure

Everyone fails or makes mistakes at some point in life, but it’s important to remember that these experiences don’t have to be viewed as bad things.

Instead, they can be incredibly valuable. We can reflect, learn, and grow when we fail or make mistakes.

Take a few moments to think about your mistakes and how you can use those experiences to become better.

Understanding the power of failure helps you take risks knowing that even if you don’t succeed the first time, there are lessons you can apply to future endeavors.

Commit to Change

Understanding your mistakes is only the first step in personal development.

You must also commit to changing your behavior and gaining new skills to avoid making the same mistake twice.

  • Set achievable goals for yourself, and research potential best practices.
  • Find mentors you can learn from or challenge yourself to explore other options.

Keeping a growth-focused mindset and taking consistent action will help you reach your desired outcomes and become the person you want to be.

Develop a Growth Mindset and Invest in Yourself

Developing a growth mindset requires making a conscious effort to constantly challenge yourself and take risks, even if you are afraid of failing.

A growth mindset means believing in the power of practice and knowing you can improve your skills and abilities with any task, no matter how challenging.

Create Plans for Success

When it comes to personal development, investing in yourself and creating plans for success is essential.

  • Setting daily goals for yourself.
  • Engaging in activities and experiences to open up new opportunities.
  • Attending courses or seminars related to personal development.
  • Reading self-help and personal development books.
  • Listening to podcasts or YouTube videos to learn from others.

Investing in yourself will pay off in the long run. Not only will you gain invaluable knowledge and insight into personal development, but you’ll also become more prepared to take on any challenges or difficulties that come your way.


Investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make.

Not only will you gain valuable knowledge and understanding, but it also prepares you for any obstacles that come your way.

In the long term, investing in yourself brings rewarding results throughout an extended lifetime.

Start your path of personal development today by setting short and long-term goals and taking action.

Become more self-aware through conscious decision-making to reach your unlimited potential and let go of limiting beliefs.

Learn from mistakes and understand the power of failure by developing a growth mindset.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,



Gratton, L., & Scott, A. J. (2016). The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity. In Amazon (1st edition). Bloomsbury Information.

The 100-Year Life | London Business School. (2016). [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

How to Transform Your Fixed Mindset into a Growth Mindset 

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Have you been feeling stuck in a rut lately and want to try something new? Developing a growth mindset opens up endless possibilities regarding personal and professional development.

From understanding the basics of a growth mindset and how it works to gathering practical tips on adapting one to your life, this blog post will help you learn how having a growth mindset brings about positive change.

Understand the Difference Between Fixed and Growth Mindsets

The most critical step in transforming a fixed mindset into a growth mindset is understanding the difference between them.

For example, a fixed mindset sees ability as fixed and unchangeable, meaning you believe your capabilities are predetermined and cannot be changed.

On the other hand, having a growth mindset means focusing on developing your skills, being open to feedback, and learning new things, believing that effort and practice can shape future achievements.

Take the Growth Mindset Quiz

A Growth Mindset

A growth mindset allows you to become more open-minded, learn and grow, thrive in relationships, and be more successful.

It encourages individuals to take risks, push themselves out of their comfort zone, and motivate them toward improvement.

Here are some tips to develop a growth mindset:

  • practice positive self-talk
  • engage in personal development activities like journaling and goal setting
  • promote positive reinforcement and feedback from others
  • cultivate healthy relationships with those who lift them up

A growth mindset gives people tools to reach their full potential and stay ahead of the game.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset

To start developing a growth mindset:

  1. Make it a habit to reflect on what skills and habits you need to grow.
  2. Monitor your progress actively, even if you don’t achieve the results you want quickly, instead of getting discouraged with yourself, and celebrate your efforts for laying the groundwork for continuous improvement.
  3. Make adjustments along the way to enrich your journey toward your goal.
  4. Open yourself up to learning from failures and mistakes, which will bring valuable experience toward long-term success.

Reflect on Your Mindset Connections 

Reflection is one of the most powerful techniques to transform your fixed mindset into a growth mindset.

Here are two tips to get started with strengthening a growth mindset:

  • Through reflection, contemplate how specific beliefs, behavioral patterns, and values influence your thoughts and emotions about success, setbacks, and achievement.
  • Then, analyze how you react to failure and success and critically assess if your behavior creates counter-productive or positive results.

Through this process, you bring awareness about underlying unstated assumptions impacting any situation.

Steps to Reflect on Your Belief System and Narrative

Even if we don’t think about it, how we respond to challenges and adversity significantly affects maintaining or changing our current mindset.

Taking time to reflect on the various belief systems that impact your mindset allows you to clarify what kind of story you’re telling yourself and make meaningful adjustments accordingly.

Here are three steps to include in your reflections:

  1. Consider whether these beliefs are still relevant and accurate or need an upgrade.
  2. Think deeply about why specific ideas have become part of your identity.
  3. Critically analyze their value in your life and whether they serve a higher purpose.

The answers you get help to deepen your understanding of yourself, allowing you to practice self-compassion even during trying times.

Evaluate Your Expectations and Reactions 

Think critically about your expectations of yourself and how viewing success or failure in strict terms affects your reactions.

Too often, we hold unrealistic, idealistic beliefs of perfection that lead to reducing our sense of achievement when results don’t match expectations.

Here are two strategies for evaluating your expectations and reactions:

  • Reframe possible scenarios with a growth mindset framework, replacing fixed thinking and unhelpful self-talk with affirmations to encourage mistakes as opportunities for learning.
  • Acknowledge individual successes and setbacks more openly, recognizing each as a valuable stepping stone on a journey to success.

Four Tips to Transform Your Mindset

The power of positive thinking is a powerful asset when working to develop a healthy growth mindset.

Here are four easy ways to transform your mindset:

  • Invoking optimistic expectations such as “I will find another way” or “I can do this” when faced with a challenge replaces overwhelming feelings of anxiety and hopelessness.
  • Be mindful of the language used in conversation around progress and swap terms like trying for attempting and failing for learning.
  • Acknowledge effort, resilience, and strength regardless of the outcome.
  • Congratulate yourself and those around you on big and small successes.

Allowing yourself to move away from fixed beliefs creates a greater capacity to embrace new knowledge, facilitating a more meaningful understanding of personal growth on the journey forward.

Reframe Your Thoughts and Beliefs About Failure

Instead of viewing situations as successes or failures, reframe your thoughts to acknowledge that while the result may not be desirable, it still leads to growth and learning.

For example, remember that mistakes still have value when facing a challenging task or goal. Embracing failure provides critical insight into what will work.

By shifting your mindset away from absolutes of winning and losing everything, you are more likely to gain personal satisfaction no matter the outcome.

Reflecting on how you respond to a goal not being met provides valuable insight into your behavior, which you can use for growth.

Ask yourself questions about your mindset when things don’t go as planned.

  • Consider what assumptions and beliefs you had going into the task.
  • Reflect on what contributed to not reaching the desired goal.

Reflecting on these causes from an unbiased perspective leads to profound learnings that help in future endeavors.

In addition, this kind of self-reflection demonstrates you are willing and ready to use mistakes as opportunities for learning toward improvement.

Make it a Habit to Focus on the Process Rather Than the Outcome

The most successful mindset transformation happens when you become devoted to the process rather than the outcome.

Focus on what you can do today to move closer to your goals and celebrate your small victories along the way.

Conscious focusing helps to prevent feelings of overwhelm and discouragement resulting from fixating on results or outward success.

Remember that if self-improvement is your primary aim, focusing on processes instead of outcomes will take you much further than obsessing over achievement alone.


Consciously focusing on developing a growth mindset opens up a world of possibilities for personal and professional development.

Having a growth mindset brings about positive change.

Understanding the basics of a growth mindset and how it works then adapting one to your life provides boundless opportunities.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


How to Cultivate Potential and Live a Fulfilled Life

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

We all have unlimited potential. Learn to cultivate potential by taking small steps each day. Many of us don’t believe we can take steps right now to foster growth and become more confident in ourselves. Or we don’t know the first step to take.

This blog post is about cultivating your potential to reach new heights with the right mindset and strategies.


As a mother, educator, coach, and mediator, I spent more than two decades learning to be a good leader and helping others achieve their potential. My own potential, however, had remained largely untapped.

In 2018, with two adult daughters settling into their own lives, I felt stuck and desperate for a way to find new interests and learn new skills to become more fulfilled. I had a new role in my family, and my children no longer needed me in the ways they always had in the past.

Raising women motivated me to start my journey of self-discovery and do the hard work to cultivate my potential. I aspire to be a role model for women to find balance, cultivate potential, and live a fulfilled life.

Cultivate Potential Living Our Dream Life

We all have dreams and aspirations. You may want to travel, start a business, boost your savings, or write a book. But for many of us, these dreams never become a reality. Why? Because we don’t cultivate our potential.

We either don’t believe in ourselves or get bogged down by the cynics around us telling us it’s impossible. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

You can live a fulfilled life by taking small daily steps to reach your goals.

Cultivating Potential is in the Small Steps

Cultivating potential means taking small steps each day to reach your goals.

For some people, this may mean setting aside time each day to meditate or read self-help books.

Others might find that physical activity is a better way to clear their minds and focus on their goals.

Regardless of your chosen method, the important thing is to ensure that you are taking a leadership role in your own life.

Doing something daily to:

  • Develop a personal connection with yourself.
  • Actively reflect to connect with your untapped potential.
  • Set goals and reach for the stars!
  • Maintain consistency to work towards your goals.

Some days will be more challenging than others. Maintaining momentum leads to true success. You’ll eventually reach your destination if you maintain momentum while moving forward.

Cultivating Potential is Recognizing Opportunities

Cultivating potential is more than just setting goals and working hard to achieve them. It’s about stepping outside of our comfort zones and recognizing the possibilities in life. Then going after the possibilities with intention and focus.

When we cultivate our potential, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences that can help us lead a more fulfilled life.

  • It starts with learning how to recognize our talents and abilities and those of others around us.
  • Then, recognizing we all have different learning styles, we are equipped to take action based on our own learning style.
  • Once we know what we’re good at and how we learn, it becomes much easier to identify areas where we have room to grow.

Believe in Yourself to Cultivate Potential

Many people do not achieve their dreams because they do not believe in themselves or get bogged down by negativity. If you don’t believe in yourself, achieving your dreams is impossible.

Feeling lost or stuck is miserable. Unfortunately, too many people get bogged down by negative thoughts, which prevents them from achieving their full potential.

On the other hand, you want to live a fulfilling life. In that case, filling yourself with things to inspire, engage, and embrace yourself is essential.

Tips to Get Started

  • Take inventory of your daily habits and routines. Creating a mind map and journalling are excellent strategies to unpack areas of your life you desire to transform.
  • Decide what lifts you up and what brings you down. Using reflection, label the items in your list on a scale of 1-10. (1- Energy Vampire, 2- I’m Tired, 3- Meh, 4- It’s Ok, 5- Neutral Feeling, 6- Getting Better, 7- I Like This!, 8- This is Good, 9- Wow!, and 10- Joy & Fulfillment).
  • Prioritize accordingly. Use your ratings to decide what you will invest more time, focus, and energy in, and plan to let the rest slip out of your life.
  • Set boundaries in all aspects of your life. Start with how you spend your time and energy and what you invite into your space and consume (foods, relationships, jobs, scheduling, social media, and stuff in your physical and digital spaces).
  • Surround yourself with the right people who live their growth mindset. I always tell my children, friends, and students to friend up. Friending up means seeking the people living the life you aspire to and aligning yourself accordingly.
  • Know your triggers and create an action plan to manage them when they pop up. Learning to avoid negative influences and aligning our behavior takes practice. Through journalling and becoming mindful of your actions in the moment, you will slowly start eliminating negativity from your life. You will also begin to uncover the best ways for you to handle stressful situations.

Understand Your True Worth

Through self-reflection, ask yourself, “What do I truly bring to the table that is special and unique to me?”. Then, leave judgments at the door and recognize your talents and excellent qualities.

By understanding your true worth,

  • You believe in yourself more by reprogramming your thinking.
  • Believe you will achieve anything you desire.
  • Acknowledge your limits and strengths to understand better how you can push yourself.
  • Set realistic goals and make a plan for how you will achieve them.
  • Keep focused on where you want to go, not where others are going or have already gone.
  • Celebrate small wins and more significant breakthroughs as champions of your own life and growth.

Believe in yourself and take action to accomplish the tasks necessary for your success to cultivate your potential.

Take Control of Your Mind and Emotions

One of the most powerful tools for transforming yourself is taking control of your mind and emotions. Be vigilant in training your mind, as this will determine your success and happiness.

  • Negative thinking causes emotional pain and stress, while positive thinking is linked to good health, motivation, and inner peace.
  • Identify automatic negative thoughts keeping you from achieving your full potential and replace them with positive affirmations.
  • Focus on the things that make you feel brave enough to take risks and reach for the stars!

Being mindful of how you think helps create positive habits and self-development. For example, whenever you experience stress or anxiety, take a moment to slow down your thoughts and connect with your breath and your inner voice.

Being consciously aware of the moment helps to sustain your focus and clarity while cultivating the potential of good-self worth. In these moments, practice visualization by picturing yourself in the most favorable light possible.

You will unlock your full potential when you become conscious of your mind’s patterns and develop self-assurance!

Exercises to Cultivate Potential with Self-Awareness and Mindfulness

  • Taking the time to practice self-awareness and mindfulness regularly gives you more control over your emotional state.
  • Self-awareness allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. At the same time, mindfulness helps you tune into your inner experience.
  • With an aware and mindful attitude, it’s easier to recognize thought patterns and behaviors that can stand in the way of progress.
  • Mindfulness allows you to be more receptive to negative emotions, which may need attention, and appreciate positive states of being.
  • Consistently use yoga or breathing exercises to develop self-awareness and mindfulness.
  • Connecting with resources like coaches, books, and websites also helps you better understand yourself and may motivate you to continue your personal growth path.
  • Writing in a journal is beneficial for processing thoughts and feelings. Allowing yourself to reflect honestly will help strengthen emotional resilience.
  • Develop your own performance reviews. Measure your progress and celebrate small successes throughout your journey. Each step forward is an achievement that should be acknowledged and respected.

Integrating these activities into your daily life will increase present-moment awareness and deepen your understanding of yourself and how to utilize that knowledge in cultivating potential.

Strengthen Resilience, Courage, and Self-Compassion

Compassion is essential to sustain motivation and persistence to cultivate your full potential.

It’s crucial to approach yourself with kindness and recognize that occasional failure is part of the learning process. Developing resilience, courage and self-compassion will allow you to stay true to your purpose during challenging times and maintain effort even in the face of setbacks.

Recognize your successes, however small they may be, and moments when you overcame obstacles. Focus on building inner strength through self-reflection and understanding will provide greater internal security and peace.

Nurture your potential through personal and professional development. Uncover new opportunities for personal growth.

Here are a few things to get started with today to cultivate potential:

  • Learn something new with classes or workshops
  • Connect with peers and supportive leaders for wise advice and feedback. Build quality connections to help you achieve important goals.
  • Uncover profound resolve in times of stress.
  • Develop an action plan that keeps you accountable and measures progress.
  • Practice mindfulness in times of success or failure.

Engaging in these activities will cultivate potential for growth and expanded self-awareness!


Cultivating our potential is challenging but achievable with dedication and effort.

You can unlock your true potential and become more confident regardless of your age or stage.

Taking the necessary steps to foster growth and unlock inner potential can be complicated. Still, the rewards of investing in yourself will provide positive benefits throughout life.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,



Focus on the things that make you feel good and happy – Mentorits. (n.d.). Retrieved January 14, 2023, from

Stop Being In Your Own Way. (n.d.). Retrieved January 14, 2023, from