Category Archives: Personal Growth

Embrace 4 Habits to Achieve Lifelong Contentment

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Are you looking for a path to lifelong contentment? The good news is you can attain it with some simple shifts in habits and attitude.

Learn the secrets behind happiness from people who have unlocked true contentment.

This blog post provides practical strategies for you to make those same changes in your daily life!

Achieving Lifelong Contentment

If you’re looking to find contentment, joy, and fulfillment in life, it is possible with some focus and effort.

Contentment is the base emotion that allows us to feel joy and fulfills our life satisfaction. Feeling contentment in life influences our mental health and contributes to healthy self-esteem.

Learning to cultivate contentment within ourselves profoundly impacts our ability to experience joy and fulfillment.

Tips for Finding Fulfillment

Here are some powerful ways to get you started:

  • Work towards your goals and dreams.
  • Developing fulfilling relationships.
  • Focus on gratitude.
  • Become consciously aware of the present moment.
  • Embrace the simple things in life.
  • Be aware of your inner voice.
  • Find purpose in each day.
  • Monitor daily habits.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
  • Strive for excellence, not perfection.

How to Cultivate Lifelong Contentment

Cultivating contentment, joy, and fulfillment in life starts with taking the time to be conscious of every moment.

Paying attention to your thoughts and feelings allows you to recognize any deficiencies or triggers in your life that negatively affect your overall satisfaction with life.

Making small changes, like enjoying moments of silence or examining the purpose behind your actions, can all contribute to finding true contentment and joy.

Getting Started with Achieving Lifelong Contentment

Lifelong contentment is an integral part of a fulfilling life.

The power of contentment lies in its ability to boost mental health, influence our overall self-esteem and lead to a greater experience of joy and satisfaction in life.

Here are four habits to start today:

  1. Journalling our experiences in a self-love journal.
  2. Embracing meaningful relationships.
  3. Setting smarter goals.
  4. Living mindfully.

Self-Love Journal

Writing in a journal is invaluable for finding joy and fulfillment in life. It helps you step back, reflect on your experiences, observe patterns in your behavior, and gain insight into what brings you true happiness.

Through journalling, you start recognizing what brings meaning and purpose to your life. It also helps you develop contentment with who you really are!

Creating a self-love journal helps you learn more about yourself, your desires, and your dreams. It also helps you to focus on the priorities in your life.

This blog post describes how to get started with a self-love journal and includes journaling prompts:

Get Powerful Insights with Inspiring Self Love Journal Prompts

A practice of documenting the reflection of our inner world through journalling helps nurture our most important relationship in life. Our relationship with ourselves.

Connecting with ourselves through a journalling practice offers us insightful guidance for the outer world.

Creating a Self-Love Journal

A positive way to get started with a self-love journal is to open a blank page and write your younger self a love letter.

Next, do the same for your future self. Spend time reflecting on your dream life and what the best version of yourself looks, feels, and sounds like. Using your own words, and not what others have said, highlight your best qualities you appreciate and affirm you are worthy of happiness.

Sometimes it’s easier to focus on professional achievement for this exercise. If this is the case, write yourself a reference letter. You’ll be surprised how this exercise will transform self-doubt and boost self-esteem.

If you are new to journalling, here are three self-love journal prompts to get you started on your lifelong journey of inner exploration:

  • How do the relationships in my life create meaning?
  • How am I measuring my goals to support and encourage myself?
  • How am I practicing mindfulness throughout my days?

Setting up a daily reminder to write in your journal is a great way to take actionable steps to achieve your goals. Remember, we all have different ways to start a journalling practice, which may evolve.

Establishing journalling practices to include a daily journal and a weekly reflection page are two examples of how to get started.

Embrace Meaningful Relationships

Spending quality time and engaging in meaningful conversations with people you care about creates more opportunities for satisfaction and joy.

Connecting with the right people and nurturing relationships within your community gives you lasting happiness. Additionally, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to others deepens these relationships.

To further cultivate contentment within your relationships, practice gratitude. Taking the time to appreciate those in your life can invigorate the relationship and bring you closer.

Furthermore, reflecting on your relationships and giving thanks for any positive experiences you have shared is another excellent way to show appreciation for those you love.

Finally, by reveling in your current situation with others, you’ll be able to carry that sense of contentment with you every day.

Self-love journal prompt ideas:

  • How am I bringing my ‘self’ into my relationships?
  • How is my relationship with _____ adding value to my life?
  • What am I most grateful for in my relationship with ______?

Set Smarter Goals

Setting smart goals is an essential aspect of achieving contentment with your life. Break down more significant dreams and your biggest goals into attainable, realistic goals to work towards and accomplish over time. Make sure your goals are ambitious yet achievable. 

To improve life, it is essential to set effective goals. As a framework for creating achievable and meaningful goals, S.M.A.R.T. goal setting leads to greater contentment and fulfillment in life!

S.M.A.R.T. goal setting means:

  • “S” stands for Specific – create one thought, idea, or activity to focus on your target.
  • “M” stands for Measurable – decide how progress towards the goal will be tracked.
  • “A” stands for Actionable – clearly defines what steps need to be taken to achieve the goal.
  • “R” stands for Realistic – create realistic expectations within reach.
  • “T” stands for Timely – specify a timeline or deadline by which the goal should be completed.

Utilizing this framework helps establish a results-oriented technique to achieve your biggest dreams.

Include your S.M.A.R.T goals in an organized journal of self-love focused on personal growth and fulfillment. Include intentions, ideas, action steps, and results focused on personal growth and fulfillment.

Remember to emphasize progress, not perfection!

Here are five tips to help you emphasize progress:

  • Monitor your progress.
  • Celebrate even the little victories.
  • Adjust your timeline if needed. 
  • Be patient with yourself. 
  • Practice self-compassion. 

Daily self-discipline to support yourself on your journey to contentment and fulfillment puts you in a positive state.

Focusing on the good things in your life is a practical way to personal achievement and a state of joy. This focus supports your journey to achieving long-term happiness for the rest of your life.

Maintain Motivation

One of the best ways to stay motivated is by setting smaller, intermediate goals to guide you toward your biggest dream.

To set intermediate goals, break down long-term objectives into smaller, short-term goals. Be sure to mix up challenging and less daunting tasks to stay focused on progress toward your larger goal.

Once your tasks are organized, write realistic action steps for each goal and list tangible markers for success. Having measurable ways to track progress helps keep motivation levels high. Measuring progress also prevents plateauing and ensures you aren’t becoming too rigid or overworking yourself in pursuit of contentment.

Above all, remember to celebrate each step in the right direction.

Self-love journal prompts:

  • What is my BIG goal for the end of this year?
  • What will achieving this goal mean for my life?
  • How is this a S.M.A.R.T. goal?
  • What do I need to start working on my goal?

Live Mindfully

Instead of rushing through life, consciously take the time to savor and appreciate moments.

Mindfulness will bring a greater sense of balance to your life and helps you to find true lifelong contentment.

Here are some ways to practice mindfulness:

  • Spend quality time outdoors in nature.
  • Learn to receive help from those around you
  • Focus on the present rather than the future or past.
  • Allow yourself to be creative.
  • Explore new activities such as painting or cooking.
  • Do something that puts your soul into a state of contentment.
  • Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings.
  • Practice self-compassion by speaking kindly to yourself.

Mindful moments are available to be treasured and enjoyed. Whether spending time outdoors or connecting with loved ones, every moment spent mindfully connects you to your emotions and inner self.

Spend your time doing activities that make you feel fulfilled. Do things that speak to you and align with your passions. Find things to do that light your fire. Whether painting, learning a language, exercising, or trying new recipes in the kitchen!

Being present in each moment allows you to explore the world around you, create meaningful connections, and open up new doors of possibilities!

Additionally, taking time to pause from daily life and focus on the present helps bring balance into your life. Connecting with ourselves brings true lifelong contentment and paves the way for fulfilling experiences.

Self-love journal prompts:

  1. When will I schedule time outdoors? What will I do?
  2. What new activity do I want to try, learn, or practice?
  3. What sets my soul on fire?
  4. How do I show up for myself?


A self-love journal helps us discover feelings of contentment, joy, and fulfillment in our lives.

Writing down our thoughts and feelings regularly helps us recognize what brings us happiness and what we want to work on to become the best version of ourselves. This process guides our decision-making and overall satisfaction with life.

By taking time to focus on the good in life, we build up our self-esteem and create more positive thoughts and emotions that will feed into our overall sense of contentment, joy, and fulfillment!

With simple changes in our focus and attitude, the sky is the limit to what we will achieve on our journey to lifelong contentment!

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,



4 simple ways to stay motivated | Health & Wellness Services ….

Embrace Change in 2023: 25 Easy Tips to Refocus Your Life.

3 Essential Habits for Long-Term Self Improvement

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Are you ready to take the next steps in your journey of self-improvement? Developing healthy habits is one of the most effective ways to achieve success and create positive lasting change.

In this blog post, we’ll look at three critical habits that can help on your path to betterment.

Take Time for Reflection and Assessment

Reflecting on your accomplishments, mistakes, and experiences can immensely benefit your personal development and personal growth.

Regularly assessing yourself is a great way to recognize patterns and behaviors that need to be changed. This first step uncovers true strengths and successes for strong foundations for better choices.

Taking the time to reflect helps you understand where you have been and where you are now. At the end of the day, knowing the path of your own journey is a great resource to strategize the best route toward achieving success in the future.

Reflecting means asking yourself critical questions, such as:

  1. What important lessons have I learned from this experience?
  2. How I can use this insight to improve?

This thought-provoking self-assessment is a powerful tool leading you to understand yourself better. Additionally, reflection provides a mind map to craft proactive strategies for personal growth.

Taking time for reflection allows you to understand yourself deeper and recognize what matters to you. The answers you find when you reflect will help guide your life’s path and ensure your decisions reflect your deepest values.

Steps to Reflect for Self Improvement

Taking time for reflection and assessment daily with simple steps is the best way to develop this habit.

At the end of each day, grab a pen and paper, and answer questions to unlock your purpose.

In addition, you can ask yourself more profound questions, such as:

  1. What do I need to visit or inspect today?
  2. How can I hold myself accountable for meeting my goals?
  3. Am I making mindful decisions about how I spend my time?

Reflecting on these questions will guide you in meaningful self-improvement by honing in on your priorities and staying focused on achieving your goals.

Schedule Time for Self-Care

Making time for yourself to practice self-care significantly impacts your emotional, physical, and mental well-being.

Finding a different way to take care of your own needs goes a long way for cultivating long-term positive changes.

  • Consider yoga, mindfulness meditation, walking in nature, or reading a good book.
  • Getting enough sleep with a busy schedule and eating nutritious food are small things you can start at this very moment.
  • Making time for hobbies and socializing with those who bring you joy is a great place to start.

Each of these activities gives your brain time to rest and rejuvenate.

Develop a Daily Routine for Self Improvement

Developing habits reflecting the importance of self-care ensures when you sit down to work towards your goals, your mind is refreshed and ready to focus.

Scheduling self-care time helps minimize stress, balances emotions, and clears away distractions. Establishing a daily practice for self-care is often the missing piece to creating long-term success and reaching your goals for a better life.

Setting aside at least 30 minutes daily to relax in a quiet place and care for yourself gives you energy and creativity. It renews in all areas of your life.

Self-care does not have to be complicated or expensive. If 30 minutes is too much, start small by scheduling 10-minute breaks throughout your day and gradually work up to more extended periods.

During these moments, pick something that helps you relax, like:

  • listening to your favorite music
  • reading a book
  • doing a few minutes of light exercise
  • listening to positive affirmations
  • meditating

Taking the time to focus on yourself keeps you centered and more productive in the long run.

Celebrate Your Progress of Self Improvement and Keep Going!

Celebrating even the most minor successes as you journey towards your self-improvement goals is an important part of your mental health. Acknowledge how much effort it took to get there, and remember how far you have already come.

This practice helps you stay committed and motivated to continue investing in yourself and working towards a better future. Be sure to take the time to recognize yourself for all you’ve achieved!

Create Visual Reminders of Your Self Improvement Plan

To properly track and monitor your progress, create a progress journal. Make it visual, and make sure each milestone is visible on paper so you can be proud of yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the form of bullet points or pretty drawings. Create whatever inspires you!

Remember to set realistic break points along the way, where you give yourself permission to take a break from striving to reach your goals. It may seem counterproductive, but allowing yourself to release any sense of competition and pressure for even a few minutes helps keep you feeling encouraged. Feelings of encouragement keep you motivated to keep going.

In addition, celebrating small wins fuels your self-improvement efforts. As long as you attack each day with effort, focus, and inspired action, your journey will always be heading toward something great!

When you celebrate your progress and milestones, take that time to reflect on all the hard work it took to get there. Reflecting on what you’ve achieved can help jolt your motivation or even act as an antidote to any doubts you may have.

Reward Yourself on Your Self-Improvement Journey

Someone once said, ‘It’s important to celebrate small wins because one day you’ll wake up and realize they were big ones.’

Reward yourself with a treat or two along the way. Here are some self-care ideas to help you celebrate your successes:

  • a massage
  • a day out
  • sharing good news with someone close
  • positive affirmations
  • watch cute kitten videos on YouTube
  • looking at yourself in a state of appreciation in the bathroom mirror

Do whatever lifts your spirits and boosts your morale. When you succeed in mastering something new, rising above challenges, or accomplishing a goal, shine in celebration!

Make each success count by recognizing accomplishments as a crucial milestone on your path of self-improvement!

Here is a video of my cute cat at the beach:


Taking time to reflect and assess your progress on your self-improvement journey is a must, as well as making sure you incorporate downtime for yourself.

Additionally, take a moment to celebrate the goals you’ve reached and use that momentum to keep going!

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


Growth Mindset: How to Cultivate Your True Potential

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Unlock your hidden potential and reach for the stars! Learn how to cultivate your natural talents and abilities with a growth mindset and break down any perceived limitations that keep you from achieving your full potential.

Understand Your Mindset and Why It’s Important

Understanding what mindset means and how it affects your personal growth is essential.

Having a fixed mindset suggests that you view any obstacles or hardships in life as an indication of failure and unchangeable traits. This perception stems from the beliefs and values you have instilled within yourself.

However, when such hurdles are viewed through a growth mindset lens, they become challenges to overcome. Challenges become viewed as opportunities for self-improvement.

Take the Growth Mindset Quiz

Cultivating Potential with a Growth Mindset

Cultivating potential means accepting that challenge, striving for success, and seeking new methods to test ourselves are inevitable. Cultivating potential is our chance to grow and expand our skills with a growth mindset.

With a growth mindset, you will encourage yourself to take risks and explore unknown pathways to cultivate your personal skill sets. This opens the doorway for an improved sense of self-worth, confidence in making tough decisions, and the strength to push past difficulties with composure.

How to Cultivate Your True Potential with a Growth Mindset

Personal growth comes from acceptance, dedication, resilience, and effort. Understanding the power behind such qualities is essential in unlocking your true potential.

These steps help to get on track for harnessing the power of a growth mindset:

  1. Replacing negative thoughts with positive self-talk.
  2. Practicing affirmations and visualizations.
  3. Taking action despite fear of failure or setbacks.
  4. Embracing challenges, stepping out of your comfort zone, and celebrating all achievements.

Replace Negative Thoughts With Positive Self-Talk.

One of the best ways to transition from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is by replacing negative thoughts with positive self-talk.

Instead of saying that you cannot do something, think of it as something you can do given the right circumstances and resources.

When faced with difficult tasks, try emotion-focused coping strategies such as taking a break or talking yourself through it reassuringly. This will help shift your focus from solely focusing on the results and instead take notice of the process throughout.

Positive Self-Talk

Self-talk reframing is a great way to cultivate potential, as it helps you take control of your mindset and emotions.

Whenever a negative thought comes up, challenge yourself to identify its message. Is it something that can be reframed into a more positive statement? If so, try replacing it with a new thought process and look at things from different perspectives.

This will help you condition yourself to have an open and flexible attitude, even in difficult situations, which ultimately will enhance your ability to grow and develop your potential.

This post shares 4 habits for achieving lifelong contentment:

Celebrate Your Successes

Engaging in positive self-talk by celebrating your successes and strengths starts with your decision to adopt a growth mindset.

Developing a growth mindset is key to taking action, believing in yourself, and being able to bounce back from challenging situations. Recognizing that you will learn and grow through such experiences will help you be more mindful of how your experiences can contribute to cultivating potential.

So be sure to practice encouraging yourself with kind affirmations, compliments, or words of encouragement when these times come.

Practice Affirmations and Visualization

Practicing affirmations and visualization are powerful tools for cultivating a growth mindset.

  • Affirmations involve repeating positive phrases about yourself to yourself, focusing on the qualities you have, such as resilience and strength.
  • Visualization involves picturing in your mind the success that results from challenging yourself and pushing past boundaries.

Reciting affirmations and visualizing success will help condition your brain to think more positively and focus more on the process rather than the results.

Here’s a video of self-love affirmations I enjoy listening to each morning:

Learning to Receive Feedback

Paying close attention to constructive feedback and tracking progress can also help cultivate potential.

This can often provide insight for future planning, indicate which areas require further development, and, most importantly, give you perspective on how far you’ve already come.

Additionally, focusing on the journey toward success rather than aiming at an endpoint is a great way to ensure your motivation remains strong.

Remember that hard work pays off, and celebrating successes with friends and family will make all the difference in the world!

Believe in Yourself

Practicing affirmations daily and visualizing success helps cultivate your potential.

Believing in yourself and affirming positive aspects of your life will help keep you motivated and focused. Visualizing the person you want to become is a great way to stay on track with your goals.

Keep reminded of what it is that you want, who you want to become, and why you set the goals that you did. These tools will help sustain long-term motivation, even when things seem tough or stressful.

Finally, don’t forget to enjoy the journey as well!

Take Action Despite Fear of Failure and Setbacks

Facing fear can be tough, but it’s vital to overcoming a fixed mindset.

Taking action despite fear is the most effective way to tackle obstacles and take on new challenges. This might involve stepping out of your comfort zone, but it is worth the fears and anxieties you may experience because taking risks helps build inner strength and resilience.

Even if you fail or meet setbacks, don’t view them as a sign of a lack of ability. View them as an opportunity to grow.

Focus on Personal Growth

Focusing on growth rather than perfection facilitates the action-taking process. Rather than aiming for perfection, focus on learning from mistakes. Form habits that drive you forward instead of looking back.

Enjoy the journey to achieving potential. Remember, it’s not always a straight line to success. Yet, no matter how scary it may be to face fears, push yourself out of your comfort zone. Taking advantage of risks helps you improve problem-solving and stretch your potential further.

Steps to Develop a Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset is essential for achieving any form of self-actualization.

When facing decisions, it’s important to ask yourself what steps you need to take and how you can cultivate potential around this journey.

Making small changes in behavior, such as trying new activities or taking advantage of new opportunities while understanding that mistakes are okay, are effective methods in helping reach a potential.

Reframing the idea of failure into something learnable and meaningful helps eliminate unnecessary worries or expectations. Additionally, it allows room for effortless self-improvement and growth.

Embrace Challenges, Step Out of Your Comfort Zone, and Celebrate Achievements

When it comes to growth mindset success, the smallest of achievements can be a huge cause for celebration.

Progress does not always come quickly, so it is important to celebrate your growth and acknowledge each step along the way.

Allow yourself to experience genuine pride when you complete a challenging task or ascend to great heights.

Be sure to reward yourself and treat yourself to something special after completing long-term tasks or projects. This will cement in your mind that hard work definitely pays off!

Embrace Challenges

Embracing challenges and pushing your own boundaries is a great way to cultivate potential.

  • Step out of your comfort zone, and take on new roles and tasks that you wouldn’t normally consider.
  • Make a list of things you would like to experience or learn, and actively pursue them.
  • Get creative and set objectives that truly challenge yourself both mentally and physically.

Taking on new tasks or exploring unfamiliar ground will bring about amazing realizations about yourself or simply open up opportunities for growth.

Remember to be patient with the process, foster consistency in practice, and reward yourself for chipping away at each goal you have in mind!

Once you embrace challenges and step out of your comfort zone, celebrate all of your achievements, no matter how small they seem. As you practice consistently, take pride in your progress over time.

  • Feel accomplished from within and use these successes as motivation to carry on.
  • Let go of expectations of yourself and concentrate on the journey that has come before and in front of you.

It is far more enjoyable to reflect positively upon what you have already accomplished than to focus on what still needs to be done. This way, it is easy to cultivate potential and stay ahead and true to your plans for growth.


A growth mindset means believing you will get better and smarter with effort, practice, and dedication.

It gives you the courage to take chances and try out new things that help to expand your skill sets. This mindset can also foster self-confidence, self-esteem, and better decision-making.

Developing a growth mindset opens the door to overall potential development.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


How Giving Up What I Thought I Wanted Gave Me What I Needed

Estimated reading time: 19 minutes

It can be easy to become laser-focused on what we think we want in life. So we read about it, daydream about it, and work towards making it a reality. Living in a state of constant desire, we search for that one opportunity to lead us to what we want.

But sometimes, no matter how much effort we put into manifesting our desires, they remain just out of reach. In these moments, it’s important to remember that something better might be waiting for us, and maybe we aren’t looking in the right places.

This blog post shares my journey from living on auto-pilot to living fully.

Letting Go

It sounds counterintuitive but giving up what we want can actually help us get what we need.

We may think that holding on to our current state while daydreaming about our desires and goals is the key to achieving them, but sometimes letting go is the best way forward.

For me, giving up what I thought I wanted gave me what I needed. I used to think all I wanted was a successful career and a comfortable life. But after years of chasing that dream, I realized it wasn’t making me happy.

So, I decided to focus on other, more important things, like my relationships and health.


I’ve always been a dreamer.

As a child, I would daydream about becoming a veterinarian, a marine biologist, or a secretary to a powerful man like Sky was to JR on Dallas.

I read books about my desired occupations and even began taking steps to make them realities. I remember how proud I was to take my first typing class. Finally, I was closer to who I wanted to become.

I used to think that to be happy, I needed X. So, whenever something didn’t go my way or I felt down, all I could think about was how getting X would make everything better.

Of course, there were times when things did work out, and I got what I wanted – but it never made me as happy as I thought it would.

More often than not, getting what I thought I wanted only led to disappointment. Nowadays, however, things are different.

Living on Auto-Pilot

I was a parent at nineteen years old, married with a second child at twenty-five years old, and hustling for a career. I decided on a career in criminal justice, then mediation, then teaching, and now teaching and writing.

We had a mortgage, car payments, insurance policies, a satellite subscription, and Tupperware.

We hustled to pay our bills each week, shuttle the kids to their activities, clean the house, do the yard work, walk the dogs, and prepare meals for the following week ahead.

By the time I was thirty, I was exhausted and felt in a constant state of fear.

Looking back now, I see how my fears directly tied to how I lived. We had a beautiful home, a healthy family, and an abundance around us.

But, within me, I had a nagging feeling I was constantly forgetting something important.

Catalyst for Change

In 2018, I took my very first vacation away from my family. I joined extended family members in Huatulco, Mexico, for a week of heavenly bliss. While I was away, I noticed things.

Here’s what I learned from my observations:

  • Changing your physical space changes your state.
  • Nourishing your body fuels your soul.
  • Readiness attracts resources.
  • Wherever there’s light, there are shadows.
  • Reconnecting becomes reattachment.
  • Freedom emerges when there’s peace.
  • With clarity comes strength.
  • Living our values is living fulfilled.
  • Trusting our intuition leads us home.
  • Failing forward is still progress.
Huatulco, Mexico

Giving Up the Goal and Calling Attention to Consciously Living

I have always felt connected to everything around me. Growing up surrounded by the natural environment conditioned me to listen to the natural world.

Throughout my early adult years, I recognized my heightened state of awareness. I also realized my heightened state of arousal, which isn’t always positive, but I have learned to find an equilibrium between both states.

When I was away in Mexico, I noticed things that changed my life. Some call it signs or messages, and others say divine intervention. It’s our internal vibration for our soul’s desires and the Universe responding to our energy.

Giving up Consistency and Changing Your Physical Space Changes Your State

We were staying at an all-inclusive resort. Bustling with families and people enjoying their vacation, there was a cacophony of joy and happiness all around me. Yet, inside me, I felt stillness and calm. It was quiet. I remember standing on the beach watching a wedding and thinking, “why is it so quiet?”

We were up early and at the beach on the first morning of our vacation. Day one is always full of immense energy. Visiting, food, drinks, laughing, swimming, and too much sun.

That night, I fell into bed feeling empty and complete simultaneously. Completely satiated, and it was bliss. I slept the entire night, which was not my usual sleep routine, and I woke up feeling refreshed and energized.

In the morning, I felt like I had slept for a hundred years. My body felt limber with no more of the usual aches and pains, and my head felt clear. Even my eyesight seemed sharpened, and everything seemed brighter.

Tortuga Island in Huatulco, Mexico

Giving Up Restraint and Nourishing Your Body Fuels Your Soul

On the second day, I felt utterly ravenous. I ate everything in sight and still felt a deep, intense hunger. Initially, I thought it was from the copious amounts of tequila and cervasa from the day before, but it felt different.

I couldn’t get enough food, and thankfully the restaurants were located far enough away from the beach where I accumulated a substantial amount of steps throughout the day.

In reflection, this experience of hunger was fueling something in my soul. Like my soul needed a full tank to take me where I was headed.

Giving Up Waiting Because Readiness Attracts Resources

On day three, everything felt more balanced. I woke up feeling in my skin.

When my feet hit the floor after another restful sleep, I felt like I could feel the vibration of the ground beneath me.

The intense hunger had subsided, and after a light breakfast, we were all in our beach chairs for the day. In the quiet moments between visiting, swimming, and buying souvenirs from the beach vendors, I listened intently to the stillness within me. 

I went to the swimming pool to take a break from the intense heat. I spotted one empty seat at the swim-up bar and waded my way to get out of the sun.

I remember walking up to the bar, and this beautiful woman was sitting with her back facing me. She had a lovely figure with long black hair. She looked so healthy and vibrant like she was glowing. I couldn’t take my eyes off her and felt a magnetic pull toward her.

To my surprise, the empty seat was beside her. As I settled in, she smiled and said, “well, hello, beautiful!” I felt an instant connection.

Angles are Always Among Us

We immediately started up a rich conversation. Quickly getting through the introductions and formalities, we dove into life, love, the law of attraction, and our stories. She shared her experiences and journey with nuggets of wisdom and inspiration.

At one point, she asked me what I will choose to do. I wasn’t sure what she meant then she explained she saw something in me that wanted to get out. She recognized what I was carrying.

So, we took a deep dive into who I wanted to become in this life and what I have noticed in the few days since we arrived. She knowingly encouraged me to live my truth, speak my truth, and courageously forge forward into life.

We visited throughout the week, messaged and called each other once we were home, and developed a beautiful friendship through our ups and downs. We remain soul sisters today.

Giving Up Always Expecting Light Because Wherever There’s Light, There are Shadows

Early morning of day four, I walked down the beach with my sister. As we were enjoying our stroll, I noticed a black snake beached in the scorching heat.

This beautiful creature was suffering and struggling. I immediately walked up to it and thought, “you poor thing!” Then, in one of the stupidest moments of my life, I reached down, grabbed it by the tip of its tail, and flung it into the ocean. Before my arm rested at my side, the locals standing by watching ran over to me, yelling, “Hermosa! Te matará. Morirás!” Meaning it will kill me.

In my ignorance, it didn’t occur to me that all these other people were standing around this snake and letting it die in the heat. It was my instinctive reaction to rescue and save the poor creature that could very well kill me.

Life Lessons are Abundant in Foolish Decisions

This is important. My first reaction was to save the snake rather than myself. I wasn’t concerned for my safety nor as dialed into my environment as I always believed I was. Instead, I saw the suffering and wanted to rescue and save. Yikes.

This experience with the snake was a huge lesson for me. The first colossal awakening moment called my attention to connect the dots from the past few days and take a good hard look at how I was living my life.

The snake.

Giving Up Old Beliefs Because Reconnecting Becomes Re-Attachment

My uncle and I were having our morning coffee on day four. He’s acutely wise, and he sees more than he mentions. He had always been an influence in my life and was very much like a second dad to me growing up.

We were enjoying our morning brew, chatting about nothing in particular. Then, after a moment of silence, he leaned over to me and asked, “did you find her yet?”

We held eye contact for a few seconds, and I asked, “what do you mean?” He reached over, squeezed my knee, and then leaned back with a teasing, belly-fueled, joyous laugh.

The Universe Always Sends Signs

Shortly after this exchange, while we were sitting in silence, sipping coffee and watching the ocean waves burst against the shore and retreat, a kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttered in front of us and around us. I had never seen anything like it before. I was awestruck by the beautiful scene as they glimmered in the morning sunlight.

About an hour later, the rest of our family arrived, and we headed for breakfast.

Engage the transformation process.

One Moment of Re-Connection Holds Power to Change the Trajectory of Your Life

During breakfast and throughout the day, I thought about the ‘her’ my uncle mentioned and the butterflies. I realized how much I missed her.

At the end of the day, I prayed once I was settled into bed. As I gave thanks for the day and asked for blessings on my children and loved ones, she reappeared almost apologetically.

I recognized her and immediately felt reconnected and reattached to myself. I drifted off to sleep, hands clasped, remembering.

Giving Up a False Sense of Security Because Freedom Emerges When There’s Peace

We continued our week-long holiday together and enjoyed a fantastic time. However, I had one emergency but predicted phone call from home from my youngest daughter, which I won’t get into, that showed me the contrast. The contrast highlighted the peace I was feeling on vacation, with the reality of what was at home.

During this week away, I started immersing myself in a space of peace and freedom. Of course, I was aware that vacation is a time for peace and freedom. Still, I also recognized I wanted to retain these feelings in the parts of my life I loved and enjoyed.

I also realized the nagging feeling of fear that I had forgotten something important was no longer gripping me.

So I decided I needed to make changes.

Tortuga Island in Huatulco, Mexico.

Giving Up Noise and Hustle Because with Clarity Comes Strength

On our last morning, about an hour before I would be boarding the bus to the airport, one of the entertainment hosts came over to us. He asked if I would go for a ride on the Sea-doo before I left.

Hesitant because I was leaving soon, he graciously told me he had something he wanted me to see before I returned to Canada.

Ironically this was my first ride while in Mexico, and I had never previously expressed an interest. I agreed to a ride, but only if I could drive.

We set out about one kilometer from shore into the open ocean. When we were out in the middle of the small island and the mainland, he said, “there,” and started laughing. “What do you mean?” I asked. He said, “there,” still laughing, and pointed down. I looked down, and there was a whale right beneath us!

I turned off the Sea-doo, and as we floated, a small humpback whale re-emerged and rolled on its side with its beautiful eye fixed curiously on us. I burst into tears. I could feel my heart open, releasing this heavy energy from my body.

Positive Affirmations We are On the Right Path Always Emerge

The humpback lingered. “Hello, you beautiful angel,” I said through my tears. “How are you today? Where’s your mama?” It floated, with its eye still fixed on mine. I started to laugh from the joy I felt, my heart swelling. I said, “thank you,” and it swam away.

We sat in silence, and Milo shifted to sit with his legs over the back of the Sea-doo in a kind gesture of giving me space. I couldn’t stop the tears. They felt cleansing. It wasn’t a sob or sad cry, it felt healing, and I couldn’t stop. The flow felt endless. As I wept, I thought about life and living. I kept saying in my head, “give me strength.”

I felt done and ready. I looked up at Milo and said, “Okay, I’m done.” He replied, “are you sure.” I said, “yes.”

Just as I reached my hand to start the engine, I looked up, and a beautiful butterfly fluttered above us. We were sitting on the water in the middle of nowhere. I smiled, nodded at the butterfly, and said, “Okay, I will be okay. Thank you.”

Here’s a video of our whale encounter:

Consciously Deciding Your Direction Empowers You

Back on shore, I said my goodbyes, took pictures, spent my last few pesos on some trinkets, and boarded the bus.

Once settled into my seat on the plane, I listened to downloaded inspirational podcasts and journaled my experiences, thoughts, feelings, and insights.

I knew what I wanted to do for my life once home, and the six-hour plane ride was my time to map out my intentions.

Living Our Values is Living Fulfilled

Before leaving for vacation, I had booked an appointment with my psychologist. As a side note, and as a seasoned practitioner and educator in the helping field, I highly recommend anyone who works in the helping profession to retain psychological services.

I have been seeing a psychologist throughout the entirety of my career. Setting up regular visits a few times a year, or as needed, helps to unpack stuff and with sense-making for some of the challenging things we experience when working with people. Especially when helping people in crisis or conflict.

Reflection and Journalling Helps Organize Your Thoughts and Thought Process

While journalling on the plane, I explored the process of reconnecting with ourselves.

Throughout my career, I spent time and energy focused on helping people reconnect with external factors like relationships, employment, living conditions, health, and client experiences.

I also dedicated much of my career to learning and teaching about emotional detachment in the helping profession.

This time in my life was the first time I considered emotional reattachment, particularly emotional reattachment to ourselves.

Powerfully Reclaiming Your Self Through Re-Connection Changes Your Life

The morning I arrived home, I remember walking into my psychologist, Laura’s office, and she warmly greeted me with, “wow, you are so tanned! How was Mexico?”. I shut the door behind me and said, “I’m raising women.”

“Oh, interesting. Tell me about it,” she replied.

So, I sat down, opened my journal, and unpacked my experiences during my week away. I shared what I saw. In particular, what I had seen within myself that I hadn’t seen for decades.

Throughout my life to this point, I had detached from myself. Not seeing or taking any opportunities that may have been presented to me to reconnect and reattach.

However, this one week away showed me how I wanted to live my life consistently. I missed myself, and I wasn’t going to let myself slip away again.

Re-Focused and Recognizing Patterns

Being with my family members who knew me from the day I was born, talking about old memories and the trajectory of life, helped me to see that my life was not the one I aspired to live.

I recognized the contrast between who I was and who I thought I was in my relationships and experiences. I also realized how I was living was not aligned with my values.

This contrast left me feeling unfulfilled and stagnant.

This poem from Rupi Kaur’s ‘Milk and Honey’ (2014) resonates.

Trusting Our Intuition Leads Us Home

For twenty-five or more years, I stifled the voice inside me. When she would emerge, I stuffed her away by suffocating us with what I thought I wanted.

Then, with one hand quieting my inner voice, I used the other hand to force things to work. It was exhausting.

I forgot why my feet are planted on earth every day. I lost sight of what my mother and grandmothers showed me.

In one week, in the right environment, with the right people and experiences, it became abundantly clear that my role as a woman as a mother, teacher, helper, and difference maker is to raise women.

In raising women, I needed to start with myself first. I needed to be the best version of myself and focus on living the values most important to living a fulfilled life.

There was work to be done to continue to heal from the generations before me, take their lessons, and reframe the narrative.

The cycles needed to stop with me, for my daughters, and it was time to cultivate, nurture, and grow to share a new narrative for the next generations.

Giving Up Fears of Failure Because Failing Forward is Still Progress

In this experience, paired with rest which gave me strength and resources to support me, I decided I would take charge of the life I wanted to live. So, after my psychologist appointment, I went home and told my husband I wanted a divorce.

The months following this pivotal day in my life wasn’t an easy time. It was probably not the best time for our family, but it was necessary.

Emotionally and financially gutted for the eighteen months following my trip to Mexico, I forged forward.

The people I always thought would be in my life had left, and the career I thought I would always have ended.

Yet I felt like it was all just a moment in time. I knew I would be okay by choosing to reattach emotionally to myself and living my values. And I am.

Discovering New Realities Each Day

New relationships, jobs, and opportunities emerged. This time I evaluated everything through a lens of clarity and values.

True to myself, the trajectory of my life, and what I believe I am here to do, an abundance of love and light flowed my way. I am grateful.

Once the dust settled, at the end of 2019, I moved to Beijing, China.

Supported by my daughters, who are thriving with self-sufficiency in their own adulthood, I prepared for six months to make my move. Traveling and living abroad was a lifelong dream I finally achieved.


Today, I feel a greater sense of connection to myself, my children, and those I love. I feel settled and whole, financially supported, thriving in my vocation, and fulfilled.

Since moving, I’ve achieved a second master’s degree in Education, started to learn a new language, and met a life partner with a similar growth mindset who sees, accepts, and embraces me.

I’ve taken up hobbies I forgot I enjoyed, like painting, yoga, singing, water sports, and blogging.

More importantly, I’ve maintained a sustained feeling of peace. I’ve made peace with my decisions leading up to this point and continue to choose peace above all else.

There is still more work to do, but I found a balance and synergy to flow in the direction I am going with peace and play.

At the time, I saw the lessons learned in my trip to Mexico and thereafter as a do-over to live the life I wanted to live. I see now that it was a pivot to the direction that would lead me to the life I needed to live.

Giving up what I thought I wanted gave me what I needed.


Here’s a recap of my story:

  • Changing your physical space changes your state.
  • Nourishing your body fuels your soul.
  • Readiness attracts resources.
  • Wherever there’s light, there are shadows.
  • Reconnecting becomes reattachment.
  • Freedom emerges when there’s peace.
  • With clarity comes strength.
  • Living our values is living fulfilled.
  • Trusting our intuition leads us home.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


12 Tips For A Fulfilled Life: Personal Development Basics

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

This blog post explores skills for personal development, helping people reach their goals and live a fulfilled life.

Personal Development for Living a Fulfilled Life

Personal development is about learning how to live a fulfilling life. It is about being able to do things that you enjoy doing and achieving goals that you set out for yourself.

The goal is not to be happy all the time. This would be unrealistic.

Discovering who you are and what makes you tick is where the magic happens!

It is about knowing yourself better to become a better person.

Personal Growth

Personal growth is an ongoing process that requires effort and commitment. Taking responsibility for your actions and learning how to improve yourself is essential.

When it comes to personal development, there is no magic pill or one-size-fits-all solution. We all have different needs, and what works for one person may not work for another.

The most important thing is to find what works for you and commit to making it a part of your life.

Roll Up Your Sleeves

We go through life on autopilot, reacting to whatever comes our way without thinking about what we want or how to get it. As a result, we end up living less than fulfilling lives.

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Personal development is about taking control of your life, rolling up your sleeves, and creating the kind of life you want. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

Personal Development Basics

How many of us can say that we are truly living a fulfilled life?

Even though some may argue that there is no definite answer as to what a fulfilled life looks like, there are certain things we can do to help get us closer to achieving it.

In short, living a fulfilled life enables you to grow as an individual and become the best version of yourself.

It could be reading self-help books, taking your health seriously, starting a new hobby, meditating, doing yoga, or even traveling.

Making a Difference

For some, fulfillment comes from making a difference in the lives of others.

Others may find fulfillment through their careers or hobbies. And still, others might find it through their relationships with family and friends. 

Although there is no single definition of personal development, and it’s different from person to person, universal themes run through the subject.

For example, 14 activities, if practiced regularly and diligently, can help people become the best versions of themselves.

This article explores these skills that can help people reach their goals and live more fulfilled lives.

Personal Development Pathway to Living a Fulfilled Life

Many people believe it’s essential to work on personal development to live a fulfilled life. Personal development involves anything from improving your physical health to improving your mental and emotional wellbeing. 

While there is no one answer as to what personal development looks like for everyone, there are certain things we can do to help get us closer to achieving it.

For example, setting goals and challenging ourselves help us push our boundaries and reach our potential.

Inspiring Personal Development

Personal development is about inspiring individuals on their journey and helping them reach their full potential.

So, how can you start living a more fulfilled life?

Here are a few ideas.

Get Enough Sleep

It is vital to feel rested to be successful in personal development.

Unfortunately, we sometimes get too caught up in life and lose sleep as we try to get things done.

I struggled for a long time with being able to turn my brain off at night, but I eventually discovered meditation.

Feed Your Body

The food we put into our bodies directly impacts how we feel physically and mentally.

Eating nutritious foods helps us to stay energized and healthy, while consuming unhealthy foods can make us feel sluggish and unhappy.

Therefore, we must be mindful of what we eat to maintain a positive outlook and optimal health.

Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast is a great way to set the tone for the rest of the day. Get smoothie recipes here.

Get Moving

Movement is key to a healthy and balanced life. It helps us to clear out stagnant energy and create space for fresh, new ideas and vitality.

If you sit for long hours each day, get up and move around for at least 30 minutes. Movement gets your blood pumping and helps you stay energized throughout the day.

Yoga is a great way to stretch, build strength, exercise with cardio, and practice being present in the moment.

This yogi has a great 30-day yoga challenge for beginners:

Embrace Yourself

How we think about and treat ourselves profoundly impacts our other relationships.

Having a good relationship with ourselves provides a strong foundation for healthy and supportive relationships with others.

Self-love is the key to happy and fulfilling relationships with others. If we don’t have a good relationship with ourselves, it’s challenging to have healthy relationships with other people.

Ground in Your Authentic Self

When we are in touch with our authentic selves, we can remain present and calm in the face of daily challenges and distractions.

Our connection to our true selves gives us a sense of peace and stability, so we are not easily swayed by the opinions or emotions of others.

Here are proven strategies for grounding in your authentic self:

How to Ground in Your Authentic Self

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential to taking care of ourselves.

For example, limiting how much time, energy, or information we share with others protects us from becoming overwhelmed and losing ourselves. Everyone has different areas in their lives where they need to set boundaries.

Healthy boundary-setting is a crucial part of self-care.

Use Effective Communication Skills

Healthy relationships require effective communication and well-defined boundaries.

To maintain a healthy relationship dynamic, each person must be respected, and their individual needs must be considered.

Respect allows us to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves honestly.

Practice Conflict Management Strategies

Managing conflict effectively starts with understanding our communication styles and their impact on our relationships.

Learning new ways to communicate can open up productive conversations that lead to greater understanding between people.

Taking some time to gain awareness of ourselves is the first step toward making positive changes in our relationships.

Have Fun

The essential things in life are the things that we have to do every day.

They keep us moving forward and help us take care of our families.

  • But what about the fun things in life?
  • The things that make us laugh and enjoy ourselves?

Sometimes we tell stories about how much fun we used to have, but it’s not the same as actually experiencing it.

Create a Vision Plan

One way to live a more fulfilled life is by setting goals and working towards them.

Investing in yourself is one of the best things you can do for your future. Personal development is not selfish; it’s one of the most selfless things you can do. 

When you work on becoming a better person, you’re improving your life and those around you. 

Setting goals could mean taking up a new hobby, learning a new skill, or reaching a personal milestone you’ve always wanted to achieve.

Focus on the Present Moment

It is also essential to focus on the present moment and appreciate the small things in life.

Being present in the moment is difficult, but it is a vital part of personal development for living a fulfilled life.

By focusing on the here and now each day, we can learn to appreciate the abundance in our lives.

In doing so, we open ourselves to new possibilities and experiences that make life worth living.

Be Kind

In addition, being kind and helping others can also lead to a more fulfilling existence.

Personal development is about so much more than just working on yourself. It’s also about being kind and helping others.

When you positively impact someone else’s life, it can lead to a domino effect of good deeds that can ultimately improve the world.

In addition, seeing the direct results of your kindness can be incredibly fulfilling and motivating.

It might sound clichéd, but making a difference in someone else’s life is one of the best ways to find true happiness for yourself as well.

Practice Gratitude

We often take for granted the things that go well in our lives or the gestures others make toward us.

Gratitude is acknowledging and recognizing the positive things in our lives. It’s an appreciative attitude that leads to more happiness and satisfaction.

In positive psychology research, gratitude is a strong predictor of happiness.

People who are grateful tend to feel more positive emotions, savor good experiences, enjoy better health, and cope more effectively with adversity. They also tend to have stronger relationships.

Manage What You Consume

The things we consume in our lives have a significant impact on our success.

What we eat, watch, read and listen to, and the relationships we allow into our space, influence our moods and behavior.

If we’re conscious of this, it can help us to improve our wellbeing.

Unhealthy choices can keep us from living the fulfilled life we desire. To make healthier choices, we need to learn the difference between what nourishes us and what merely keeps us busy.

When we make unhealthy choices repeatedly, it’s time to take action and live more healthily.

I love food. So, I view the things I allow into my life in two categories.

  • Category one is a delicious, home-cooked turkey dinner with all the fixings.
  • Category two is a chocolate cake loaded with sugar and empty calories.

Turkey dinner leaves me feeling satisfied, healthy, and whole. On the other hand, although chocolate cake may be tempting and intoxicating at first, it ultimately leaves me feeling shaky from a sugar rush, with a headache, and hungry again in an hour.

I have always had a sweet tooth and love chocolate cake.

But in my relationships, jobs, and expectations over the years, I have had to forego it for a more well-balanced turkey dinner.


Ultimately, personal development is something to be worked on every day and could involve anything from becoming physically or mentally healthier to improving your self-confidence. 

Overall, personal development is wide-ranging and can be defined differently.

You can work on personal development every day and should involve working on things that make you feel like a better person.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,


Self-Love Transforms Us to Become Love

Estimated reading time: 18 minutes

What does self-love mean?

It’s about understanding your own needs, acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, and developing an unshakeable core of acceptance and appreciation for who you are.

Self-love is the practice of taking time in your day to make sure YOU are taken care of, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This takes the form of engaging in activities that make you feel good such as exercise, meditating, or treating yourself with grace and kindness.

This blog post shares my story of coming home to myself by discovering what self-love means.

You’ll discover the first steps to living an inspired life in a state of appreciation for your authentic self.

How to Start a Self-Love Journey

We read about self-love inspiration on self-care blogs and social media without really thinking about what it feels like in practice.

Positive affirmations from authoritative resources about personal development, personal growth, and mental wellbeing with images of people who seemed to have figured out the secret to life flood our feeds.

In these posts, we see the outcomes of people who have learned how to make better choices to become a better person and live a better life.

The Urgency for Self-Love

Speaking for myself, there was a time when I would immerse myself in filling my feeds with new things like self-care ideas and the importance of self-love.

I set goals with strategies to overcome low self-esteem. Looking back, I was in such a state of panic I was convinced my goal of finding the right way to self-love needed to be achieved in a single day.

Finding Inspiration

One of my favorite messages in my feed was about how changing your life is one decision away. I would ask myself, “how?”

  • What is the best way to achieve a change of life?
  • What are the fastest and most effective ways to shift from low self-esteem to real self-love?

I was desperate to see myself in the bathroom mirror, embracing myself because I would finally know what self-love means.

Slowly, over time, I started to realize we are all on our own journey and true self-love comes from strong foundations of a state of being.

I learned how a daily practice including the simple steps to make positive changes in small things is a great place to start.

The first step is healthy choices.

If you’re making conscious choices for your well-being, you will see how we are always in the right place, at the right time, and with the right people.

How do you achieve self-love?

  1. choose healthy relationships
  2. choose your tribe consciously
  3. put yourself together
  4. lifelong learning
  5. choose love

Living abroad has created space and time to look at my life from a bird’s eye view. These are five key lessons I have learned in the past few years of my travel. Each lesson is embedded in choosing love for self and others:

Changing Your Life is One Decision Away 

We read inspirational memes and posts on social media daily without really thinking about what it feels like in practice. Changing your life is one decision away? How?

My soul sister, Karen, and I both decided at the same time in June 2019 that we were going to take massive action to change our lives.

Both unhappy with aspects of our lives and searching for how to live a fulfilled life, we discussed work, family, community, travel, and our life’s passions. At this very moment, both of us sitting together at Tim Horton’s in south Calgary, Alberta Canada she decided to move to her home in Ireland and I decided to move to China.

She boarded her plane in July and I boarded my plane in December. Not knowing what to expect, we both ventured into unknown territory, leaned on each other in the dark times, and celebrated our successes.

These were big moves with ripple effects throughout all of our relationships and experiences. Each of us felt resistance within and around us. We leaned on each other throughout our journeys abroad.

Choose Healthy Relationships

Changing your life is as simple as deciding what you will allow to flow into you.

Choosing healthy relationships and consistently setting healthy boundaries for yourself is something you can do today.

These are some things to start today:

  • choosing what food you will eat,
  • what movies you will watch,
  • what books you will read,
  • what activities you will participate in,
  • what music you will listen to,
  • how you will spend your money,
  • who you will spend your time with,
  • and so on.

We all have the potential to live our best life and to live to our fullest potential right where our feet land.

Balancing self and others in the relationships that mean the most to us begins with understanding our core values and setting healthy boundaries from that space. 

Self-Love Means Choosing You First

Choosing ourselves first, above all else is a form of self-love. I have learned we are all one decision away from changing our lives by making ourselves a priority.

Removing the things not bringing you joy, or wasting your time, energy, and resources helps you get focused on the life you want to live and who you want to become.

Making conscious choices for my desires helped me achieve more than I ever imagined in one year!

Last year I completed a Certificate in Project Management, completed a Master’s of Education (Teaching Multilingual Learners), wrote a children’s book, and settled into my new healed way of being by consciously choosing what flows in and what flows out of me and my life.

Things seem clearer and my future is focused. It’s a great space to live in.

Self-Love Means Choosing Your Tribe Consciously 

Throughout our lives, we encounter many people. Some we hold close, and others move on.

Karen always reminds me people are with us in our journey of life for reasons or seasons. I am grateful for those who showed me the reasons but hold those close who remain with me throughout the seasons.

As we grow, we change. Some people may disappoint us in their response to our growth.

We must remember it is our growth, not theirs.

Growing may mean letting some people go and that is ok. You are ok. What you are feeling is normal. You do not need to judge your feelings.

Choose your tribe members who support you, challenge you, embrace you, and love you throughout. People who you learn from and feel the belonging and assurance of a reciprocal relationship.

Self-Love Means Choosing Your Narrative

When my dad was in palliative care, he feared the imminent death he faced.

He asked me if I am ok. I said, “Daddy, close your eyes and remember us sitting in the boat on a sunny day. Hear the water, feel the sunshine.”

He closed his eyes and smiled. “Smell the fresh air of the north. Do you see it?”. He replied, “Yes baby girl.”. I said, “Daddy when I miss you, I can love you from here”. He nodded, hugged me and we continued with our day.

This is the thing, we will lose people and we will let people go, and we can love them from here.

Choose the people you want around you and invest in your relationships with those who get this. Hanging on, trying to prove your worth, and giving without reciprocation, are all indicators you may find value in spending some time within to see what you are needing in your relationships.

None of us do anything because of someone else.

We all behave based on what we need. It’s not about you, and it’s not about me. Remember this, please.

After taking the time you need to reflect and once you are clear, go and find your tribe. They are out there waiting for you!

Happy Birthday to ME (2021)
Enjoying brunch at home with friends.
Murphy and I enjoyed catching up with a friend over pizza.

Self-Love Means When the World Falls Apart Put Yourself Together 

In 2020 I spent 17 weeks in isolation with no physical human contact. This was life-changing.

In 2022, I spent 12 more weeks for good measure in limited isolation with access to our garden to take Cathy, our golden retriever, out for her bathroom breaks.

I must say, my time in 2020 prepared me and the second time around I didn’t feel the fear and angst I did the first time around.

I was prepared in mind, body, and spirit. I had time to order groceries and supplies, I was able to get fresh air a few times a day, and Cathy and I learned the discipline to climb six flights of stairs to burn off excess energy.

The lesson in these experiences is we need to adapt when the world is falling apart around us.

This period of my life allowed me to go within and clear out what was no longer needed so I could be open to receiving what was waiting for me.

Being isolated from human physical contact gave me a deeper appreciation for my spiritual practice. Leaning on my elder’s teachings and ancestors with smudge and prayer each day helped me to keep focused on living in the moment and reminded me it is all a moment in time and I will pass through.

Sometimes when prayer wasn’t enough, I learned to pick up the phone and say, “I don’t know if I am going to make it.”. Reaching out when we are scared and vulnerable takes courage.

Knowing our tribe helps to ease the process of asking others for help in our darkest moments.

Self-Love Means Choosing How You Spend Your Time

My soul sisters and brothers and I invested in hours-long FaceTime calls during this time. I am grateful beyond words. My experiences abroad at this time in our world have given me a deeper appreciation for those around me, especially those of you who rallied around me in my darkest times. FaceTime calls, text messages, blog comments, and emails have warmed my heart and reminded me I am loved and my tribe is with me always. 

FaceTime calls with my baby girl.

Lifelong Learning is a Lifeline

Investing in yourself with both tangible and intangible assets creates value and confidence you will not find by any other means.

My experiences in China showed me I still have a lot to learn. Moving to a foreign land with a different culture, language, and way of life put me in a classroom.

Simple day-to-day tasks like getting mail, ordering food, setting up a bank account, doing banking, buying a SIM card, and visiting a doctor were new to me.

I needed to fast-track my learning, acceptance, and resilience in order to survive.

Self-Love Means Choosing a Growth Mindset

People have told me that once you spend one year in China, you will make it.

I am now in year four and know what they meant by that statement.

No one consistently speaks English here. Especially in Hainan. Learning Chinese pinyin and characters is essential to communicate and feeling connected to the community around me.

Now that the MEd. is done, I will continue to take Chinese classes. I do feel confident when I am speaking Chinese in the community, even with my Chinglish errors.

I can make purchases, request medical care and prescriptions, shop in the markets, order food in restaurants, answer and respond to telephone calls and text messages, and communicate my address to delivery people.

I have much more to learn as I believe learning Chinese is a lifelong adventure. My proficiency is a beginner at best, yet I feel connected and understood. 

Self-love time in Beijing, China.

Choosing Love Opens You up to Being Love 

On my self-love journey, I continue to learn about being love.

Shedding old karmic systems of beliefs is important in this process to get to the root of your being.

Being away from my loved ones and periods of isolation provided me with the perfect opportunity to reconnect with myself. In the spirit of seizing the moment, although unintentionally, I was forced to decide if I was willing to choose love for myself.

I could either lay down and give up, or I could dive in and learn how to love myself wholly.

Exploring all parts of myself was essential to deciding what to keep doing and what to let go of. It was a painful time of clearing out the clutter of past lives I lived. In the end, it was the greatest gift I could only have given to myself.

Feeling love and light in Hainan, China.

Self-Love Means Choosing to See Love

I learned how to see love around me, how to reframe my perception of love, and how to be open to receiving the love I had longed for.

Love is in the fabric of my family relationships, friendships, work relationships, and now in my intimate relationship.

Shifting from wanting love to being love opens us up to attracting what we desire in this life. Connection, belonging, and security. This is my recipe for how to love and be love. These three key ingredients provide a foundation for all relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself.

My Little Prince loves to blow kisses!
My girls loving up our FaceTime call.

Self-Love Means Choosing a Self-Love Practice

We all need a method to mediate our relationships with ourselves. I used painting.

Creating paintings was my time to immerse myself in art and music. I would put on my most comfortable jammies with my playlist on a Bluetooth speaker and sing my heart out while I painted.

This process was therapeutic and cathartic. Looking back now, and reviewing my personal masterpieces, I can see not only what I was experiencing at the time of creating each painting, but how my painting craft has evolved over the past three years.

‘Isolated’ by Suzanne Marie (2020)
‘Let the Light In’ by Suzanne Marie (2021)
‘Transformation’ by Suzanne Marie
‘Boo Bear’ by Suzanne Marie
‘Union’ by Suzanne Marie
’18’ by Suzanne Marie

Moment after moment I was surprised and thrilled with how becoming aligned with our truest selves, while grounded in these three foundation blocks, manifested what I had been waiting for.

Taking my time to consciously look at every possibility presented to me, I was able to see what and who I wanted to spend my time with very clearly.

Being love puts us into a state of light.

Murphy and I enjoying our date night out on the town in Haikou, China.

Self-Love Means Recognizing Love in Others

Others who shine the light within us will be presented in our lives and we will recognize them when we see them. It genuinely makes us feel like our sunshine has quadrupled being around them.

Doc (Murphy) is my mirrored source of light. When we met it was unexpected. Neither one of us thought we would randomly meet someone at a medical clinic at the Visa office who would become our person.

I was spiralling after receiving my medical results and learning the name of the congenital heart issue I live with. Although minor in nature, it was devastating for me at the time as I was so scared to have to give up my life abroad at some point because of a health issue.

Murphy and I enjoying a meal together at one of our favorite spots.

In a random act of sharing our contact information, he taught me about it as he told me only after the fact he is a physician and surgeon on residency to specialize in cardio thoracic surgery.

What are the odds? In China, we add people on WeChat almost daily, and here we were chatting with each other and he is specializing in the heart.

We developed a beautiful friendship over weeks of talking about our passions, what brings us joy, our goals, what we want to learn, and our interests.

We spent time with friends, danced the nights away, played cards, watched NFL football, and shared experiences together.

Murphy and I enjoying time at the beach together.

Self-Love Means Courageously Following Your Heart

Following one weekend when I went away for the night to another city, I realized how much I missed being around Murphy.

My mind was upside down with questions about why I missed him so much. Looking back, it was funny because he had previously asked me if I was interested in dating and I said I wanted to be friends. I wasn’t ready.

His response was to be around me in whatever form I wanted because he valued me and enjoyed our time together.

Our friends kept asking me what I was afraid of and why I was waiting for someone when someone is right in front of me. “What are you waiting for?” , “What are you afraid of?”, “He adores you!”

The funny part was now I had to be the one to share that I wanted more for our relationship and I was terrified. I was faced with another choice. To choose love and be love or chose to continue to believe this kind of love is for other people.

Murphy and I enjoyed our Christmas together in Haikou, Hainan.

We decided to begin this journey together three years ago and each day I am so happy to not only be in love with Murphy but to be love with Murphy.

He and I have both done our internal work to live in a state of self-love. We speak the same language, and our spirituality intersects with a solid belief that our ancestors are in everything. 

Choosing love and being love is not about a relationship. Choosing love during our days opens us up to knowing love when we see love in all aspects of our lives.

Self-Love Means Setting Boundaries

In our union, Murphy and I are clear about our boundaries for what our “self” needs first.

Starting with a foundation of core values guiding our personal lives, we are able to intersect our core values and boundaries with the life we aspire to live together.

Looking at our relationship as an entity on its own helps us each to check in with each other and our relationship needs. I am grateful as we are each consciously aware of the two living entities we are responsible for: self and relationship.

Spoiler alert: this type of living is a load of work.

I will say, when we choose love, choose our tribe, put ourselves together, and adopt a growth mindset to keep learning, we are on a trajectory of transformation to becoming love.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time, 


Further Reading

‘Eat, Pray, Love’ (Gilbert, 2007)

Deepak Chopra Resources

Brene Brown Resources

Boyce Avenue Music

Music for Body and Spirit

50 Best Smoothie Recipes

Gaia (Yoga)

Gaim (Yoga)


Yoga With Adriene (30-Day Yoga Challenge)